Extend global type inside module declaration

I have a third-party library which extend Sting prototype with new method: String.prototyp.someMethod = () => null; This library should be imported as side-effect library import ‘target-library’ I am trying to write declaration file for this module, but keeping clean the global types from this string extension. For instance, if I do like this //… Read More Extend global type inside module declaration

How to convince TypesSript you will return an Array with a property that is not null

I am working with the following types: type Fruits = { type: ‘banana’ | ‘peach’ | ‘kiwi’, price: null | string; } type FruitsWithNonNull = Pick<Fruits, ‘type’> & { price: NonNullable<Fruits[‘price’]> } const fruits:Fruits[] = [{type:’banana’, price:null}, {type:’peach’, price:null},{type:’peach’, price:’12’}] const filteredFruits:FruitsWithNonNull[] = fruits.filter(fruit => fruit.price !== null); I get this error from filteredFruits: Type… Read More How to convince TypesSript you will return an Array with a property that is not null