How can i get the registered-date from Firebase Auth in Vue3?

I need to access the createdAt variable to convert it via date() to a real date. But somehow, i can’t access it by auth.currentUser.createdAt variable. How can i do this in Vue3? It is also that i want to use shallowRef for it, because it should never change. How can i do this? >Solution :… Read More How can i get the registered-date from Firebase Auth in Vue3?

Call Vue Slot by Dynamic name

I have a component called TableContainer with the following dynamically named slots // … <td class="…"> <slot :name="’statuses-‘ +" /> </td> <td class=""> <slot :name="’actions-‘ +" /> </td> //… I want to call them from the parent component as follows: <TableContainer :data="people"> <template v-for="person in people" v-slot:statuses-{}> {{ person.status }} </template> </TableContainer> This… Read More Call Vue Slot by Dynamic name

how do i get the total array length in vuejs

i’m trying to get the total result length but i’m not getting anything in my template this my script data() { return { searchResults: [], totalResults: [], }} const response = await "http://localhost:5000/api/search&quot;, searchData ); this.searchResults =; // Set the search results in the component’s data // Retrieve the traceId from the response… Read More how do i get the total array length in vuejs

How can I make parts of a reusable component's template optional in a Vue 3 app?

I have been working on an SPA with Vue 3, TypeScript and The Movie Database (TMDB) API. I have a movie card component (MovieCard.vue) that I use in (at least) 2 diffrent contexts and I want it to behave slightly difrentlly from one context to another. <template> <div class="movie card" @click="showDetails("> <div class="thumbnail"> <img :src="movieCardImage"… Read More How can I make parts of a reusable component's template optional in a Vue 3 app?