How to automatically scrape the following CSV

Page On the page above if you click ‘Download CSV’ it will download a CSV file to your computer. I would like to set up a nightly process to download that CSV. I’m happy to scrape the data as well, a CSV just seems easier. I’m not really finding anything. Help? >Solution : import requests… Read More How to automatically scrape the following CSV

How to web scrape through AJAX dynamic loaded websites without encountering 500 Internal Server Error

I’ve been assigned the task of scraping Nvidia’s ( sessions catalogue. This site uses AJAX dynamic loading. I want to be able to get all the data of each catalogue. Using my very basic approach of scraping via particular element tags, then pressing "Show More" button and repeating the process for next loaded elements, I’ve… Read More How to web scrape through AJAX dynamic loaded websites without encountering 500 Internal Server Error

optimal way of seperation data from list

based on one website , which contains statistical information, i have implemented basic web scrapping code and here it is : import re import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup content =requests.get("") content =BeautifulSoup(content.content,’html.parser’) # print(content.prettify()) information =[] for row in‘tbody tr’): for data in row.find_all(‘td’): if len(data.text.strip())!=0: information.append(data.text.strip()) print(information) it returns following information :… Read More optimal way of seperation data from list

href value returning the same for different elements in list

I am trying to scrap some phone numbers from a local broker. Their website source code goes: <div class="officeagent-comm-item ng-scope" ng-if=" != null"> <a class="icon-btn-phone" href="tel:910 600 334" alt="tel:910 600 334"></a> </div> And I coded the following to scrap the phone numbers: while weDone == 0: sleep(5) apt_Cookies() try: AllAgents = driver.find_elements("xpath", "//div[@class=’agent-details’]") except: print(‘… Read More href value returning the same for different elements in list

This Version Of ChromeDriver Only Supports 114

keep getting an error in console saying "selenium.common.exceptions.SessionNotCreatedException: Message: session not created: This version of ChromeDriver only supports Chrome version 114" I downloaded chrome driver version 114 from the official website and set the executable path like this: service = Service(executable_path= r"C:\Python 3rd Party Installs\Selenium Driver(s)\114\chromedriver.exe") Still the same message. It is saying this as… Read More This Version Of ChromeDriver Only Supports 114

Is there a way to extract regular expression patterns from links in a Pandas dataframe?

I am trying to extract regex patterns from links in a Pandas table generated from the page. The code generating the Pandas data frame is given below: import pandas as pd import re url = ‘; base_url = ‘; table = pd.read_html(url, extract_links = "body")[0] table = table.apply(lambda col: [link[0] if link[1] is None else… Read More Is there a way to extract regular expression patterns from links in a Pandas dataframe?

selenium.common.exceptions.TimeoutException Error

I aimed to scrape address data from the website that indicated in the code below and i encountered with this error. File "c:\Users\efede\OneDrive\Masaüstü\Scrapping\pythonfiles\", line 15, in <module> WebDriverWait(driver, 30).until(EC.visibility_of_all_elements_located((By.CSS_SELECTOR,’#map_canvas > div > div > div:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(2) > div > div:nth-child(4) > div > div > div > > div > div > table… Read More selenium.common.exceptions.TimeoutException Error