How do I use a wildcard in my lookup foreignField?

I’m trying to make a lookup, where the foreignField is dynamic: { $merge: { _id: ObjectId(’61e56339b528bf009feca149′) } }, { $lookup: { from: ‘computer’, localField: ‘_id’, foreignField: ‘configs.?.refId’, as: ‘computers’ } } I know that the foreignField always starts with configs and ends with refId, but the string between the two is dynamic. Here is an… Read More How do I use a wildcard in my lookup foreignField?

use of wild card for set of first letters notworking mysql

This is the query I’m using but it’s returning an empty table select ename from new_schema.employee where ename like ‘[svg]%’ ; >Solution : It looks like you’re using Microsoft SQL Server syntax for the pattern. MySQL only supports standard wildcards for the LIKE predicate. I.e. % and _, but not square brackets. You can use… Read More use of wild card for set of first letters notworking mysql

FindFirstFile matches wildcards that shouldn't match

On some of my Windows 10 machines, FindFirstFile matches files that definitely should not match. Assume the following program in Delphi: {$apptype console} uses Windows; var FindHandle: THandle; FindData: WIN32_FIND_DATA; begin FindHandle := FindFirstFile(‘*.qqq’, FindData); if FindHandle <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then begin try repeat Writeln(PChar(@FindData.cFileName[0])); until not FindNextFile(FindHandle, FindData); finally FindClose(FindHandle); end; end; end. and four… Read More FindFirstFile matches wildcards that shouldn't match

SQL Join Using REGEXP_SUBSTR and Wildcard

I’m trying to join two tables in Snowflake using REGEX_SUBSTR and a wildcard but having no luck. Here is what I have: SELECT P.NAME, ACL.CONTENT_NAME, REGEXP_SUBSTR(CONTENT_NAME, ‘/([^/]+(\\.pdf))$’, 1, 1, ‘e’, 1) AS PDFS FROM ACTIVITY_DOWNLOAD AD JOIN PROGRAM P ON P.NAME LIKE ‘%’ || REGEXP_SUBSTR(CONTENT_NAME, ‘/([^/]+(\\.pdf))$’, 1, 1, ‘e’, 1) || ‘%’ Running the query… Read More SQL Join Using REGEXP_SUBSTR and Wildcard

I have this error System.ServiceModel.Security.MessageSecurityException

For what I read and understood, this happens when I’m not sending the authentication. But I tried to send it in two ways: string userN = "username"; string _pasw = "password"; BasicHttpBinding binding = new BasicHttpBinding(); Endpoint wsdl = new Endpoint("MyEndpoint"); SoapClient client = new SoapClient(binding, wsdl); client.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName = userN; client.ClientCredentials.UserName.Password = _pasw; await client.OpenAsync();… Read More I have this error System.ServiceModel.Security.MessageSecurityException

Use Regex to find all occurrences of a specific string and pair it with subsequent occurrences of another string

right now I have a test.txt file that im reading in. it has several new line characters so I am using re.DOTALL. How can I combine subsequent patterns into pairs? test.txt: blah blah blah||| blah blah|| Key_one1_end || blah blah blah blah || blah blah blah |||||| blah blah Value_number : 10 blah blah blah|||… Read More Use Regex to find all occurrences of a specific string and pair it with subsequent occurrences of another string