Github actions/github-script not printing input

I have the following reusable on: workflow_call: inputs: base_os: description: "The base os" type: string required: true jobs: upstream-image-name: name: get the image name for the upstream image runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: – name: get upstream image name id: upstream-image-name-step uses: actions/github-script@v6 with: result-encoding: string script: console.log(‘base_os =’, core.getInput(‘base_os’)) I am invoking it as follows on:… Read More Github actions/github-script not printing input

How do I specify a specific commit when manually running git action?

How do I create a workflow that can only be started manually, while it will need to specify a specific commit with which it will work? >Solution : You can manually run a workflow, provided it is configured to run on the workflow_dispatch event. Add inputs to define your parameter on: workflow_dispatch: inputs: myCommit: description:… Read More How do I specify a specific commit when manually running git action?

How to git pull a branch if remote and local commits history differs?

Let’s say I have been working on a project and at 08:41:11 have pushed my branch to the remote repository’s branch (origin/feature/server-java). git log of my local repo and the remote repo (origin/feature-server-java) look like: 92x301b Change to Server java 08:41:11 91881cc Remove Server GO 08:01:10 5f11b11 Change to yaml config 07:50:55 5f462ff Remove json… Read More How to git pull a branch if remote and local commits history differs?

IWriterConfiguration.ReferenceHeaderPrefix equivalent in newer versions of CsvHelper

What is the equivalent of csvWriter.Configuration.ReferenceHeaderPrefix in the newer version of CsvHelper? Trying this csvWriter.Configuration.ReferenceHeaderPrefix = (memberType, memberName) => $"{memberName}_"; but its not let me because ReferenceHeaderPrefix has only get method after version 20.0.0 >Solution : The usual workflow is to construct an instance of the CsvConfiguration class and pass that into the constructor for… Read More IWriterConfiguration.ReferenceHeaderPrefix equivalent in newer versions of CsvHelper

Testing PHP scripts with MySQL access offline without changing live system – recommended workflow

this question might sound simple but I havent been able to find answers online so far. I am running a website that has php scripts accessing a mysql database. Whenever I make changes I don’t want to work test the changes on the live website, so I test them on my local PHP server and… Read More Testing PHP scripts with MySQL access offline without changing live system – recommended workflow