Remove items from one list if they contain strings from another list

Advertisements I’m looking for the most efficient way to remove items from one list if they contain strings from another list. For example: B list contains: TomWentFishing SueStayedHome JohnGoesToSchool JimPlaysTennis A list contains: GoesToSchool SueStayed C list should contain: TomWentFishing JimPlaysTennis I’ve used this code, but it takes up a lot of time as the… Read More Remove items from one list if they contain strings from another list

QProcess: The system cannot find the file specificed even when full path is provided

Advertisements Here is my full code: #include <QCoreApplication> #include "iostream" int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QCoreApplication a(argc, argv); QProcess process; QString path = "C:\\Windows\\System32\\wbem\\WMIC.exe"; QString arg = "cpu get name"; QStringList arguments; arguments << arg; //process.start(path,arguments); process.start(path + " " + arg); //qDebug() << "Started"; std::cout << "Started" << std::endl; if (!process.waitForFinished()){ qDebug() <<… Read More QProcess: The system cannot find the file specificed even when full path is provided

zipfile.extract throwing CrcError for .7z files

Advertisements the following code I wrote to extract the files from .7z zip file. Code is throwing "Exception has occurred: CrcError". if I am specifying files one by one code works fine.In for loop it throws CrcError. selective_files = ‘folder\abc[1].txt,folder\abc[2].txt’ with py7zr.SevenZipFile(fol_doc_text, ‘r’) as archive: allfiles = archive.getnames() file_exists_list = [] for file_name in selective_files.split(","):… Read More zipfile.extract throwing CrcError for .7z files

Not getting all the keys of nested object using Javascript

Advertisements I am trying to fetch all the keys of one nested object using Javascript but as per my code its not working as expected. I am explaining my code below. let jsonObj = { “service”:[ { “name”:”restservice”, “device”:”xr-1″, “interface-port”:”0/0/2/3″, “interface-description”:”uBot testing for NSO REST”, “addr”:”″, “mtu”:1024 } ], “person”: { “male”: { “name”: “infinitbility”… Read More Not getting all the keys of nested object using Javascript

How to get ServiceClientCredentials after migrating from ADAL to MSAL

Advertisements The support for ADAL ends on June 30, 2022 and Microsoft recommends migrating applications to MSAL. During migration, I encountered a difficulty migrating a code that accesses Data Lake Storage from ADAL to MSAL. My almost-working attempt is: // Before migration (authenticate using obsolete ADAL) ClientCredential clientCredential = new ClientCredential(clientId, clientSecret); ServiceClientCredentials credentials =… Read More How to get ServiceClientCredentials after migrating from ADAL to MSAL