Is there a possibility to play a CSS animation if the content of an element is changed?

Advertisements On my website, I’ve got a credit counter which updates every 10 seconds and increments by 10. I am looking for a possibility to play an animation on the very counter once the number changes. The counter looks like the following: <span id="gemCounter">0</span> Let’s say, I’ve got an animation with the name pop. If… Read More Is there a possibility to play a CSS animation if the content of an element is changed?

CSS Keyframe animation resets the transform value set prior to the animation

Advertisements Was working on an animation on a square rotated 45 deg to make a diamond. the animation simply is meant to scale the diamond out however I noticed that every time the animation started, the transform value I had set transform: rotate(45deg) is reset before the animation runs and because of this I have… Read More CSS Keyframe animation resets the transform value set prior to the animation

I can't seem to start a second animation after stopping the first one on javascript

Advertisements Currently I’m trying to start a second animation after stopping the first one. The first animation did manage to stop but the second animation won’t manage to start. I don’t know what is going wrong with my codes and I don’t know how to test to see which part is going wrong. function flyRocket()… Read More I can't seem to start a second animation after stopping the first one on javascript

Why my Javascript animation doesn't work?

Advertisements I want to make a small animation to make a div(id="dice") grow in width, but I don’t know what’s going wrong. The position is already absolute. I have tried to create a button to test it (id="Pr_btn"). const pr_btn=document.getElementById("Pr_btn"); pr_btn.addEventListener("click", VtnDice); function VtnDice(){ let interv = null; const dice=document.getElementById("dice"); let diceWidth=0; clearInterval(interv); interv=setInterval(frame, 5);… Read More Why my Javascript animation doesn't work?

Animation in CSS for logo that goes from bottom to top

Advertisements Hi i try to get animation on my index.html with my style.css but it does not work and i dont understood why. Here’s my code : <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=chrome"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles/style.css"> <title>Arrow</title> </head> <body> <span><span><img src="img/Arrow_logo.png"></span></span> <div class="affiche"> <img src="img/arrow-season-5-poster.jpg" width="34%"> </div>… Read More Animation in CSS for logo that goes from bottom to top

How to use JS / jQuery .animate({ function for animate elements from Last to First / Reverse Animation

Advertisements My query is simple, i have this text animation that is combo of multi <span></span> element in <p> </p> from all charactors of my var content string. No i use this code to animate this Line: var content = ‘This is Example Line of Animation, This is Example Line of Animation,’; var ele =… Read More How to use JS / jQuery .animate({ function for animate elements from Last to First / Reverse Animation