how to use {{}} inside of asset helper laravel

Advertisements I have a dynamic image that a user can change, so I need to grab the path from the database. Everything works fine if I do: <img src="/storage/{{ $client->image->path }}"> But this doesn’t work: <img src="{{ asset(‘/storage/{{ $client->image->path }}’) }}"> Thank you for your help >Solution : You’ve already opened the curly braces once.… Read More how to use {{}} inside of asset helper laravel

Find percent difference between two columns, that share same root name, but differ in suffix

Advertisements My question is somewhat similar to subtracting-two-columns-named-in-certain-pattern I’m having trouble performing operations on columns that share the same root substring, without a loop. Basically I want to calculate a percentage change using columns that end with ‘_PY’ with another column that shares the same name except for the suffix. What’s a possible one line… Read More Find percent difference between two columns, that share same root name, but differ in suffix

Arrays.asList() how to append String value to each item

Advertisements I’m reading getting the names of all the images inside a subfolder of my assets folder. //Returns name of all the images inside folder_previews private static List<String> getPreviews(Context context) throws IOException { AssetManager assetManager = context.getAssets(); String[] files = assetManager.list("folder_previews"); return Arrays.asList(files); } I then want to concat a String before each one. try… Read More Arrays.asList() how to append String value to each item

react native hooks can only be called inside body of a function component

Advertisements i am new to react i need help with the usestate need it to change style to display none saving the text in state then show use it in the inline css the code is below import React, { useState, Component, useEffect } from ‘react’; import { StyleSheet, Text, View, Alert, Image} from "react-native";… Read More react native hooks can only be called inside body of a function component