Do I need to keep the reference to a singleton object to avoid repeated initialisation?

Advertisements Imagine that we have some singleton object: class Singleton { static var shared = Singleton() private init() { … } } Am I right that if I don’t keep the reference in some place, it is initialised again and again due to the ARC every time I access it, like this: Singleton.shared.doSomething() var a… Read More Do I need to keep the reference to a singleton object to avoid repeated initialisation?

Rust print updated value before it should update

Advertisements Here’s a short code use std::{thread, time::{Duration}, sync::{Arc, Mutex}}; fn main() { let num = Arc::new(Mutex::new(0u8)); let clone = num.clone(); thread::spawn(move || { loop { println!("{:?};", *num.lock().unwrap()); // always prints 0 thread::sleep(Duration::from_secs(1)); *num.lock().unwrap() = 0; println!("{:?};", *num.lock().unwrap()); // always prints 0 } }); listen(clone); } fn listen(num: Arc<Mutex<u8>>) { rdev::listen(move |event| { match event.event_type… Read More Rust print updated value before it should update