Why blob url is not initialized and url is overlaped by other blob link

Advertisements Problem Hi I am making markdown texteditor and I am working on upload image by blob. It works fine at the first time, but when I paste another picture, blob link doesn’t formatted correctly. It looks like: blob:http://localhost:3000/oi4fr-…blob:http://localhost:3000/b340-1204…. Even though I initialize blob, and blobURL variables, this keeps happening. How can I solve this?… Read More Why blob url is not initialized and url is overlaped by other blob link

Delete commit from array Ruby gitlab

Advertisements I am trying to remove one of the objects from a gitlab array of several commits. [ { :commit=>#<Git: :Object: :Commit: @base=#<Git: :Base: @logger=nil, @working_directory=#<Git: :WorkingDirectory: @path=" ">, @repository=#<Git: :Repository: @path=" /.git">, @index=#<Git: :Index: @path=" /.git/index">, @lib=#<Git: :Lib: @git_dir=" /.git", @git_index_file=" /.git/index", @git_work_dir=" ", @path=nil, @logger=nil, @git_system_env_variables={ "GIT_DIR"=>nil, "GIT_WORK_TREE"=>nil, "GIT_INDEX_FILE"=>nil, "GIT_SSH"=>nil }>>, @objectish="", @contents=nil,… Read More Delete commit from array Ruby gitlab

Vue : Type 'Ref<unknown>' is not assignable to type 'string'.ts(2322)

Advertisements I am using Vue3 , type script , composition and vee-validate4 and Pinia store all together this is user register from. views/register const schema = yup.object({ email: yup.string().required().email("لطفا ! ایمیل معتبر وارد کنید ."), password: yup.string().required().min(8, "کلمه عبور باید حداقل هشت کاراکتر باشد ."), }); const { errors, handleSubmit } = useForm({ validationSchema: schema,… Read More Vue : Type 'Ref<unknown>' is not assignable to type 'string'.ts(2322)