Why is the output 1? Can someone explain me step by step about what is happening in the second line here?

Advertisements const a=[1,2,3,4,5]; const [n]=a; console.log(n); I need to know how does something inside square brackets after const means, and why it stored only 1 and not the entire array. >Solution : It is ES6 Destructuring Assignment. const a = [1,2,3,4,5]; const [n] = a; const [m, o] = a; const [p, q, r] =… Read More Why is the output 1? Can someone explain me step by step about what is happening in the second line here?

Why did I need to wrap the state in brackets to assign it to a variable in ReactJs?

Advertisements I was trying to build a simple Todo App with a currentTodo and an array of pastTodos. I was unable to push currentTodo to pastTodo using this code here. handleClick(e) { e.preventDefault(); let pastTodos = this.state.pastTodos; pastTodos.push(this.state.currentTodo); this.setState({ pastTodos: pastTodos, currentTodo: "" }); } and was only able to do by changing this line… Read More Why did I need to wrap the state in brackets to assign it to a variable in ReactJs?

How to use both && and || in the same if statement condition?

Advertisements I can’t seem to figure out how to use || and && in the same if statement ‘and, or’ being keywords for google it wasn’t really easy to google i got something like this this.Hide(); if (txt_Password.Text == "karasumyo2022" && txt_UserName.Text == "whatever" || "somethingelse" ) { new Form1().Show(); this.Hide(); } any ideas? >Solution… Read More How to use both && and || in the same if statement condition?

How to add square brackets to values in numpy array

Advertisements Below is my working code: import numpy as np test = [{"test":np.array([["value1,value1"],["value2,value2"]])},{"names": ["test1","test2"]}] q = ["value3,value3"] v = ["test3"] for p in test: for item,value in p.items(): if str(item).startswith("test"): p["test"] = np.append(p["test"],np.array([q])) if str(item).startswith("names"): for r in v: p["names"].append(r) I need output as following: [{‘test’: array([[‘value1,value1’], [‘value2,value2’], [‘value3’, ‘value3′]], dtype='<U13’)}, {‘names’: [‘test1’, ‘test2’, ‘test3’]}]… Read More How to add square brackets to values in numpy array