react native hooks can only be called inside body of a function component

Advertisements i am new to react i need help with the usestate need it to change style to display none saving the text in state then show use it in the inline css the code is below import React, { useState, Component, useEffect } from ‘react’; import { StyleSheet, Text, View, Alert, Image} from "react-native";… Read More react native hooks can only be called inside body of a function component

How to fix Argument of type 'string' is not assignable to parameter of type 'number'?

Advertisements I want to save in my database values ​​which have different types, being new to Angular I don’t know how to do it, my name value fits well in my database while the value of nb_engins is always null no matter what. I am trying to assign them to an array, is this the… Read More How to fix Argument of type 'string' is not assignable to parameter of type 'number'?

subscribe observable (as subject)

Advertisements i have following example code which returns id+1 of it’s elements: EntitiesService: public create(model: Model): Observable<number> { var subject = new Subject<number>(); this.GetAll().subscribe(result => { if (result.find(x => == { return; } = result[result.length – 1].id + 1; EntitiesService.mock.push(model);; }) return subject.asObservable(); } and i would like to subscribe it… Read More subscribe observable (as subject)

Using the Context API as a way of mimicking useSelector and useDispatch with redux v5

Advertisements I’m working on a React project where I’m constrained to using React Redux v5, which doesn’t include useDispatch and useSelector. Nonetheless I really would like to have these hooks (or something like them) available in my app. Therefore, I’ve created a wrapper component at the top level of the app which I connect using… Read More Using the Context API as a way of mimicking useSelector and useDispatch with redux v5