How do I pass a variable to a child widget?

Advertisements I am passing a string value `final String userLogin; from another file via Route. class AutfPasswordWidget extends StatefulWidget { final String userLogin; AutfPasswordWidget({Key? key, required this.userLogin}) : super(key: key); @override State<AutfPasswordWidget> createState() => _AutfPasswordWidgetState(); } final iconColor = const Color(0xFF2787F5); class _AutfPasswordWidgetState extends State<AutfPasswordWidget> { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Scaffold( appBar: AppBar(… Read More How do I pass a variable to a child widget?

Field '_areas' should be initialized because its type 'List<Area>' doesn't allow null

Advertisements Flutter shows error Non-nullable instance field ‘_areas’ must be initialized. Maybe this is because of not defining null in lists areas what when defining null Like List? _areas; it shows an error on the index Error: Field ‘_areas’ should be initialized because its type ‘List’ doesn’t allow null. Error Line: List _areas; Here is… Read More Field '_areas' should be initialized because its type 'List<Area>' doesn't allow null

Pivot_wider: Combine Duplicate Observations AND Create New Variable Columns for Those Values

Advertisements I’m new to R and have scoured the site to find a solution – I’ve found lots of similar, but slightly different questions. I’m stumped. I have a dataset in this structure: SURVEY_ID CHILD_NAME CHILD_AGE Survey1 Billy 4 Survey2 Claude 12 Survey2 Maude 6 Survey2 Constance 3 Survey3 George 22 Survey4 Marjoram 14 Survey4… Read More Pivot_wider: Combine Duplicate Observations AND Create New Variable Columns for Those Values