How do I reduce code repetition by having to open a DictWriter in csv every time?

Advertisements I want to reduce the code repetition by having to create a variable with a DictWriter and all he information every time I need to write in a csv file. class Example: def func1(): with open(‘filepath’, ‘w’) as file: csv_writer = DictWriter(file, fieldnames=fieldnames, lineterminator=’\n’) … def func2(): with open(‘filepath’, ‘a’) as file: csv_writer =… Read More How do I reduce code repetition by having to open a DictWriter in csv every time?

Powershell – Manipulating CSV Columns

Advertisements I am trying to manipulate a csv file column and can not get it to find the column data. My CSV file looks like this: "From","To","Meter Number","Meter Name","Volume","Energy","1","2","3","4","5","6","7" 1,"32,360.0",10.601100,"343,051.6","73,553.0",10.462900,"769,577.7",0.0 ,10.470900,0.0,,, 2,"32,230.0",10.604000,"341,766.9","74,824.0",10.471300,"783,504.6",0.0 ,10.468100,0.0,,, … 30,"17,769.0",10.440000,"185,508.4","63,591.0",10.452500,"664,684.9",0.0 ,10.445900,0.0,,, 31,"26,138.0",10.451000,"273,168.2","79,722.0",10.458300,"833,756.6",0.0 ,10.451400,0.0,,, The first column shows the day of the month and I want to turn it into a… Read More Powershell – Manipulating CSV Columns

How to iterate through csv and look for column name in powershell?

Advertisements I have a csv that has 3 columns: Name/desc Start IPv4 address End IPv4 Address Ultimately I need to loop through this csv and execute the following in powershell: New-AzSqlServerFirewallRule -ResourceGroupName "ResourceGroup01" -ServerName "Server01" -FirewallRuleName "Rule01" -StartIpAddress "" -EndIpAddress "" I’m familiar with python but have struggled with doing this in powershell. Here is… Read More How to iterate through csv and look for column name in powershell?

How can I add styling to the header in a CSV file using the League\Csv library?

Advertisements I’m currently using the League\Csv library in PHP to generate a CSV file from data in my application. I’d like to add styling (such as bold font or text color) to the header in the generated CSV file to make it stand out when opened in spreadsheet applications like Microsoft Excel. Currently, I’m using… Read More How can I add styling to the header in a CSV file using the League\Csv library?