Understanding debugger output in Android Studio

Advertisements I am setting up a simple example to show inheritance and polymorphism. I’m not sure how to explain the behavior I’m seeing in Android Studio debugger. I have these two simple classes declared in an Empty View Activity project: public class FirstClass { public String whoAmI = "FirstClass"; int complexCalculation = 0; public FirstClass(){… Read More Understanding debugger output in Android Studio

Javascript saying a key does not exist in an object even though it does

Advertisements I am creating an admin panel. For some reason, my code returns an error saying banned users does not exist even though it is in the Object. This confuses me alot and I dont know how to solve it. I got the error originally that says TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘forEach’),… Read More Javascript saying a key does not exist in an object even though it does

Make a loop to find the distance between stations in R

Advertisements I have made this code to find the distance between stations but in the output, there is only one value. Can you find the error? df <- data.frame( station = rep(c("A", "B", "C", "D"), each = 20), temperature = rnorm(80), latitude = c(40.7128, 34.0522, 41.8781, 39.9526), longitude = c(-74.0060, -118.2437, -87.6298, -75.1652) ) stations… Read More Make a loop to find the distance between stations in R

python def create_file_if_not_exist(file_name: str): SyntaxError: invalid syntax near colon

Advertisements File "report.py", line 17 12:05:47 def create_file_if_not_exist(file_name: str): 12:05:47 ^ 12:05:47 SyntaxError: invalid syntax I’m getting this error when I run python report.py Can someone help me find out what m i doing wrong I tried removing : str from "def create_file_if_not_exist(file_name: str)"but the error passes to next line def set_logging(): logging.basicConfig( level=logging.INFO, format=’%(asctime)s… Read More python def create_file_if_not_exist(file_name: str): SyntaxError: invalid syntax near colon

Array Changes When A Function is Called (Debugging)

Advertisements console.clear(); function hori_resolveOverlaps(lines) { if (lines.length <= 1) return lines; // Sort the lines ascending by start value lines.sort((a, b) => a[0][0] – b[0][0]); let outLines = [lines[0]]; let last = outLines[0]; // Iterate over the lines, skipping the first one lines.slice(1).forEach((line) => { // There’s an overlap, so extend the current segment’s end… Read More Array Changes When A Function is Called (Debugging)

Substracting Date in java return bad result

Advertisements Hi I’ve tried to substract hour from a Date using Date.getTime() – (time in ms ) but the result is not correct , there is always a slight gap compared to the good result, any idea ? if(hoursToBeSubstracted<1) { float toMinute = hoursToBeSubstracted*60; return new Date((long)(d1.getTime()-toMinute*60000)); } return new Date((long)(d1.getTime() – 3600 * hoursToBeSubstracted… Read More Substracting Date in java return bad result

Substracting Date in java return bad result

Advertisements Hi I’ve tried to substract hour from a Date using Date.getTime() – (time in ms ) but the result is not correct , there is always a slight gap compared to the good result, any idea ? if(hoursToBeSubstracted<1) { float toMinute = hoursToBeSubstracted*60; return new Date((long)(d1.getTime()-toMinute*60000)); } return new Date((long)(d1.getTime() – 3600 * hoursToBeSubstracted… Read More Substracting Date in java return bad result