MenuItem and toolbar missing in new activity Android Studio Unknown Bug

Advertisements I am completely new to Android Studio and just learned Object-oriented programming. My project requires me to build something on open-source code. I added a new menu item to a menu and want to start another activity once the user clicks the menu item with id: plot. The intent will be sent from if… Read More MenuItem and toolbar missing in new activity Android Studio Unknown Bug

else if statement java gui wont execute

Advertisements I have been trying to make a java GUI distance converter. My else if statement won’t execute, only the first if statement execute. Does anyone know why i wont executed? Below is my coding and the output. import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.FlowLayout; import java.awt.event.*; public class DistanceCalculator implements ActionListener { private JFrame frame;… Read More else if statement java gui wont execute

Multiple cards inside a list widget in flutter

Advertisements I am a beginner in Flutter and i am creating an demo application but in that application I want to add another card in the list widget(code is mentioned below) but somehow it shows an error. import ‘package:flutter/cupertino.dart’; import ‘package:flutter/material.dart’; class Intro extends StatefulWidget { const Intro({Key? key}) : super(key: key); @override _IntroState createState()… Read More Multiple cards inside a list widget in flutter

Try correcting to the name of an existing method, or defining a method named 'OutlineButton' in flutter 3.0.0. it isn't defined for the type

Advertisements i have installed flutter 3.0.0 . now i am getting error that outlinedbutton isn’t defined for the type. Error: Method not found: ‘OutlineButton’. lib/appUtils/app_utility.dart:233 OutlineButton( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ : Error: Method not found: ‘OutlineButton’. lib/appUtils/app_utility.dart:255 OutlineButton( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ >Solution : That widget have been changed to OutlinedButton. Old Widget was : OutlineButton Old Theme was : ButtonTheme… Read More Try correcting to the name of an existing method, or defining a method named 'OutlineButton' in flutter 3.0.0. it isn't defined for the type

Retrieve value from dictionary with list

Advertisements I see so many questions but not found any with dictionary like that: I have this dict: my_dict = { ‘og_min’: ‘’, ‘images_sobre_o_produto’: [‘’, ‘’%5D} How can iterate over that dict to get all urls one at time? If I use something like: for values in my_dict.values(): print(values) for value in values: print(value) The… Read More Retrieve value from dictionary with list