How to correctly configure Angular such that it can run successfully behind Docker for development

Advertisements I was looking for a better way to use the Multi-Stage Build process for my Angular Application. Fortunately, after consulting a couple of resources, I came across something I had thought would suffice for my needs here. I have also taken advantage of the knowledge I have already gained working with Docker & Docker-Compose.… Read More How to correctly configure Angular such that it can run successfully behind Docker for development

Frontend docker container getting connection refused from backend container

Advertisements Im trying to learn how to write a docker-compose file, and im trying to use it deploy a fullstack application(backend and frontend written with java. using mysql docker image for database). My backend can communicate with mysql container no problem, but the frontend fails to contact the endpoint exposed by my backend. I get… Read More Frontend docker container getting connection refused from backend container

Connect ASP.NET API to MySQL database

Advertisements How can I connect to a MySQL database in an ASP.NET API (.Net 8) controller. Both are running in a seperate docker-container. Here is my docker-compose.yml: version: ‘3.4’ services: database: container_name: DB image: mysql:5.7 environment: – MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=1234 – MYSQL_DATABASE=db – MYSQL_USER=user – MYSQL_PASSWORD=secretpassword – MYSQL_ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD=1 volumes: – dbdata:/var/lib/mysql – ./MySqlScripts/init.sql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/1.sql:ro restart: on-failure healthcheck: test:… Read More Connect ASP.NET API to MySQL database

Dockerized PostgreSQL: FATAL: password authentication failed for user "postgres

Advertisements I have a dockerized PSQL instance and a dockerized app that connects to it. I am getting an incorrect password error trying to connect despite never setting one. Default of postgres doesn’t work. compose.yml services: psql: build: database/. env_file: vars.env ports: – "5432:5432" reader: build: reader/. env_file: vars.env restart: always import psycopg2 connection… Read More Dockerized PostgreSQL: FATAL: password authentication failed for user "postgres

Flutter http package causing failed build for 'flutter build web'

Advertisements I am using Docker to run a web version of Flutter in a container. I have been able to get this working; however, once I import the http package (import ‘package:http/http.dart’) in my main.dart file, the flutter build web command fails with the following large list of errors: (some of the The type ‘JSObject’… Read More Flutter http package causing failed build for 'flutter build web'

Docker compose unexpectedly replaces environment: VAR=* with an ls of the contents of the root folder inside the container

Advertisements I have a docker compose service defined with an environment variable: command: / entrypoint: /bin/sh environment: – TEST=* In I have the following echo statement: echo TEST: ${TEST} The unexpected result of that echo statement is an ls of the root folder inside the docker container. TEST: bin dev etc home lib media… Read More Docker compose unexpectedly replaces environment: VAR=* with an ls of the contents of the root folder inside the container

Trying to install postgres within docker container and containerizing django project

Advertisements I am new to docker and web-development generally. When trying to containerize my django-project I run into an error and can’t solve it for several days. The error might be silly, but I can’t find a solution. I’ll be very glad if someone helps me to solve me the problem. Thank you in advance.… Read More Trying to install postgres within docker container and containerizing django project