Adding "sequential" information to python list using dictionaries

Advertisements The problem I would like to create a dictionary of dicts out of a flat list I have in order to add a "sequentiality" piece of information, but I am having some trouble finding a solution. The list is something like a = [‘Q=123’, ‘W=456’, ‘E=789’, ‘Q=753’, ‘W=159’, ‘E=888’] and I am shooting for… Read More Adding "sequential" information to python list using dictionaries

Merge two lists, replacing elements with same index in Python

Advertisements I would like to replace elements in one list with elements in another, but only as far as the second list goes. For example: defaults = [‘apple’,’banana’,’cherry’,’date’] data = [‘accordion’,’banjo’] # result: [‘accordion’,’banjo’,’cherry’,’date’] I can do it with a for loop, and I can do it in one line with the following code: result… Read More Merge two lists, replacing elements with same index in Python

I want to repeat a for loop that does an action for a set amount of times

Advertisements My setup looks like this: def WaitForObjects(self, type, string,): return WebDriverWait(self.browser,3).until(EC.presence_of_all_elements_located((type,string))) Then i get all elements on a page with it and perform an action once per element: that = self.WaitForObjects(By.CSS_SELECTOR,"class") for this in that: time.sleep(this_time) Action = self.browser.find_element_by_xpath("path") Action.send_keys(Keys.ESCAPE) my problem is that i want to stop after like 10 times… Read More I want to repeat a for loop that does an action for a set amount of times

Combine multiple dataframes which have different column names into a new dataframe while adding new columns

Advertisements There are multiple Pandas dataframes with one column each and having different column names. df1 = pd.DataFrame({‘ID1’:[‘a1′,’a2’]}) df1: ID1 0 a1 1 a2 df2 = pd.DataFrame({‘ID2’:[‘a1′,’b1’]}) df2: ID2 0 a1 1 b1 df3 = pd.DataFrame({‘ID3’:[‘a2′,’b1′,’b2’]}) df3: ID3 0 a2 1 b1 2 b2 I want to combine these dataframes into one dataframe as below.… Read More Combine multiple dataframes which have different column names into a new dataframe while adding new columns

Getting indices using conditional list comprehension

Advertisements I have the following np.array: my_array=np.array([False, False, False, True, True, True, False, True, False, False, False, False, True]) How can I make a list using list comprehension of the indices corresponding to the True elements. In this case the output I’m looking for would be [3,4,5,7,12] I’ve tried the following: cols = [index if… Read More Getting indices using conditional list comprehension