How To Pass Environment variables in Compose ( docker compose )

Advertisements There are multiple parts of Compose that deal with environment variables in one sense or another. So how do I pass Environment variables in Compose ( docker-compose ) According to the documentation If you have multiple environment variables, you can substitute them by adding them to a default environment variable file named .env or… Read More How To Pass Environment variables in Compose ( docker compose )

How to access variables from .env file in React app using Firebase?

Advertisements Hopefully, I did put my .env file in the right place, I wanna access variables in firebase.js file for authentication to keep my API secure. .env file:- Here is my firebase.js file:- import { initializeApp } from "firebase/app"; import { getAuth } from "firebase/auth"; // Your web app’s Firebase configuration const firebaseConfig = {… Read More How to access variables from .env file in React app using Firebase?

Having issues with fetching an environment variable

Advertisements In the root of my React project, I have this .env file containing the following. DS_API_URL=[]( In another file of the project, an axios call utilizes this to return some stuff. const url = ‘’ will return what I need. const url = `${DS_API_URL}/graph/tech-stack-by-role`; returns an error. How do I fetch the link from… Read More Having issues with fetching an environment variable

How can i put a json body in a environnement variable

Advertisements I try to create a environnement variable containing this: { "type":"1234", "project_id": "1234", "private_key_id": "1234", "private_key": "1234564789", "client_email": "", "client_id": "1072", "auth_uri": "", "token_uri": "", "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "", "client_x509_cert_url": "" } I don’t want to create the env variable "auth_url", "token_url" etc… I would like to create a variable that would contain all these elements.… Read More How can i put a json body in a environnement variable

How to pass multiple variables as input in shell script in non-interactive way

Advertisements I am trying to make this interactive script take inputs in a non-interactive way by declaring $username and $password variables in bash env and pass them as inputs to the script. By running ./ <<< "$username" #!bin/bash read username read password echo "The Current User Name is $username" echo " The Password is $password"… Read More How to pass multiple variables as input in shell script in non-interactive way

How do I replace a value in "appsettings.json" with a value that I pass in via a docker environment variable

Advertisements I have an MVC C# app that has a appsettings.json file that looks like this: { "Logging": { "LogLevel": { "Default": "Warning" } }, "AllowedHosts": "*", "ConnectionStrings": { "db": "Server=postgresql_MENTIONvlt_bg;Database=amaranth_vaultvid_tests;User Id=amaranth_vaultvid_test_user;Password=<PASSWORD HERE>" }, "Kestrel": { "Endpoints": { "Http": { "Url": "; }, "Https": { "Url": "; } }, "EndpointDefaults": { "Url": ";, "Protocols": "Http1"… Read More How do I replace a value in "appsettings.json" with a value that I pass in via a docker environment variable

Typescript class does not recognize constants in .env file, but recognizes them in a React component

Advertisements I am using .env file and reading from it. I use it like this: process.env.BASE_URL in both the class and the react component. Why would it work in the component and in the class it is undefined? This is the class and here the value of process.env.BASE_URL is undefined: export default class HttpClient {… Read More Typescript class does not recognize constants in .env file, but recognizes them in a React component

Make the function accept as an argument a file path or object from the environment [R]

Advertisements Let’s say this is my function: library(dplyr) library(vroom) #input table <- /path/to/file myfunction <- function(input_table){ #load data my_table <- vroom::vroom(input_table,col_select=c(readname, transcript_start, qc_tag),show_col_types = FALSE) #do something output <- dplyr::filter(my_table, qc_tag=="PASS") return(output) } Currently, it accepts path to the input file. I would like it to accept an argument passed either as a path to… Read More Make the function accept as an argument a file path or object from the environment [R]