Can someone explain how this state update is resolved?

Advertisements Hi I’ve been learning ReactJs and I wrote these lines: handlerClick(i) { this.setState( (state) => (state.squares = […state.squares, (state.squares[i] = "X")]) ); } Now, I know whats happening but I’m confused with how this is working, the order that each operation is being executed… >Solution : Regarding the order of operations, everything to the… Read More Can someone explain how this state update is resolved?

What is the relationship between the product function and the concept of permutations with repetitions?

Advertisements from itertools import permutations,product,combinations_with_replacement colours = [‘r’,’g’,’b’] y = list(product(colours,repeat =2 )) x = list(combinations_with_replacement(colours,2)) print(y) print(x) I understand permutation of a set of objects is an ordering of those objects. When some of those objects are identical, the situation is transformed into permutations with repetition. >Solution : This may provide some insight: colours… Read More What is the relationship between the product function and the concept of permutations with repetitions?

Un-nesting multiple columns with data.table in R

Advertisements I’m trying to find the equivalent of tidyr::unnest() for a data.table with multiple nested columns: MT <- MT_NEST_MULT <- MT[, .(data1 = .(.SD[, .(mpg, hp)]), data2 = .(.SD[, !c("mpg", "hp")])), by = .(cyl, gear)] cyl gear data1 data2 8 3 <S3: data.table> <S3: data.table> 8 5 <S3: data.table> <S3: data.table> 6 4 <S3:… Read More Un-nesting multiple columns with data.table in R

How to clear/delete data after a given row index in Google Spreadsheets

Advertisements I would like to delete all data after row [x]. For example if the x = 355, I want all data to be deleted after 355th row. I am able to delete all content in a simple sheet in google spreadsheet with: var sheet = ss.getSheetByName(‘foo’); sheet.clearContents(); I’ve tried to do it with getRange… Read More How to clear/delete data after a given row index in Google Spreadsheets

"else" block is executed every time even after the "if" statement is true

Advertisements In the delete function, the else part is executed every time even after the if statement is true. How can I solve that problem? #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #define MAX 10 int front=-1,rear=-1; int Q[MAX]; void insert(); void delete(); void display(); void peek(); int main(){ int n; while(1){ printf("Enter your operation:-\n1.Insert\n2.Delete\n3.Peek\n4.Display\n5.Exit\n"); scanf("%d",&n); switch(n){ case 1: insert();… Read More "else" block is executed every time even after the "if" statement is true