How do I include an output file when I convert a .py file to .exe using Pyinstaller?

Advertisements I have a Python script that looks like path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), ‘data.txt’) file = open(path, ‘w’) file.write("something") file.close() When I use Pyinstaller (with the option –onefile), and open the resulting .exe-file, it does not seem to do anything. In particular, I cannot find a data.txt file. How do I fix this? >Solution : os.path.dirname(sys.executable)… Read More How do I include an output file when I convert a .py file to .exe using Pyinstaller?

set MySqlParameter = -1 if null

Advertisements I am trying to use SQL queries, but I meet a problem with nullable objects : Here is my code where I define all MySql parameters : MySqlParameter[] listParams = new MySqlParameter[] { new MySqlParameter("id", this.ID), new MySqlParameter("idStock", this.idStock), new MySqlParameter("certificate", this.certificate), new MySqlParameter("idLO", this.launchingOrder.ID), new MySqlParameter("idToleOri", this.toleOri.ID), new MySqlParameter("idTolesOri", string.Join("+", this.idTolesOri)), new MySqlParameter("listInstructions",… Read More set MySqlParameter = -1 if null

continue loop even if one host is not available

Advertisements import time import paramiko import sys from getpass import getpass #First Unifi AP IP Address firstip=3 fistdigits = ‘10.0.0.’ #how can we prevent from crashing if is not an available device while firstip<=100: host= f'{fistdigits}{firstip}’ #first one will be then etc username="username" password="password" session= paramiko.SSHClient() session.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) session.connect(hostname=host, username=username, password=password) #upgradeurl="; #stdin,… Read More continue loop even if one host is not available

Export Postgresql Table to excel with header in Python

Advertisements My code works but it doesn’t bring the header with the names, it only brings the numbers 0 1 … 10 , what can I do ? def consulta_sql(sql): try: connection = psycopg2.connect(user="postgres", password="postgres", host="localhost", port="5432", database="tb_cliente") cursor = connection.cursor() except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error: try: cursor.execute(sql) connection.commit() except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error:… Read More Export Postgresql Table to excel with header in Python

Can someone explain how this state update is resolved?

Advertisements Hi I’ve been learning ReactJs and I wrote these lines: handlerClick(i) { this.setState( (state) => (state.squares = […state.squares, (state.squares[i] = "X")]) ); } Now, I know whats happening but I’m confused with how this is working, the order that each operation is being executed… >Solution : Regarding the order of operations, everything to the… Read More Can someone explain how this state update is resolved?