Why can't I use EXIT_SUCCESS instead of 0 in the return statement in Visual Studio Code?

Advertisements Why can’t I use EXIT_SUCCESS instead of 0 in the return statement in Visual Studio Code? I get the error: id "EXIT_SUCCESS" is not defined #include <stdio.h> int main(void) { puts("Thanks for help"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; /*problem*/ } >Solution : The definitions of the EXIT_SUCCESS and EXIT_FAILURE macros are in the "stdlib.h" header file, so… Read More Why can't I use EXIT_SUCCESS instead of 0 in the return statement in Visual Studio Code?

Trying to understand why my C++ program is slowing down after running for long time

Advertisements None of the threads close to the topic that I could find (like this one) helped me so far. I have a C++ program that reads some data from a file, runs pretty complex and intensive operations and then writes outputs to new files. When I let the process run for few hours, here… Read More Trying to understand why my C++ program is slowing down after running for long time

WPF Control Style of Button not detecting IsMouseOver

Advertisements So am trying to create button style (background opacity to black with 20% alpha and default colour of text changes to clear white) with using ResourceDictionary. I do include file into App.xaml like: <ResourceDictionary> <ResourceDictionary.MergedDictionaries> <ResourceDictionary Source="Style/ButtonStyles.xaml"/> </ResourceDictionary.MergedDictionaries> </ResourceDictionary> and to button am applying x:Key Style="{StaticResource TopBarButtons}" so my style of it looks like… Read More WPF Control Style of Button not detecting IsMouseOver