Regex return false if one condition is false

Advertisements I am new with regex and I wrote something what returns a match also if one part is correct. This is incorrect, but the expression is returns true This is correct return true ^(((https?:\/\/[w]{3}[.]{1})+([a-z0-9]{1,})(.*-[a-z]{1,})?)[.]{1}[a-z]{2,3}\/[a-z]{1,}(.*-[a-z]{1,})?) *Important if the url contains – there must be a letter after if there is no letter after the expression… Read More Regex return false if one condition is false

Why does the second expression also evaluate to true in this "switch" statement?

Advertisements I hope some can help me with a beginner question (this is specifically running on Arduino, but I suspect it is a much more fundamental C++ question than that). I do not understand why the following "switch" statement outputs both "Channel 1" and "Channel 2" statements: void setup() { delay(100); Serial.begin(57600); delay(100); int channel… Read More Why does the second expression also evaluate to true in this "switch" statement?

Is Variable Initialization statement an expression in JavaScript?

Advertisements The following works: let x = 1 && console.log("true"); (– logs true) let y = 0 && console.log("true"); (– logs nothing) The above shows that the statement before && operator is acting like an expression. Then I tried this: console.log(let m = 5); // Error What is going on here? If that’s an expression… Read More Is Variable Initialization statement an expression in JavaScript?

Regular expression to capture alias in a string to be used in an oracle query without capturing characters that are the same as the alias

Advertisements I have a string that will be used in an oracle query that I need to parse and change the alias of the columns in the string to a different value and I need to use a regular expression to do so. Here is an example of the sort of string I will be… Read More Regular expression to capture alias in a string to be used in an oracle query without capturing characters that are the same as the alias

regular expression code containing letters and numbers

Advertisements am trying to build a regex code to allow such texts iGuKiscdvMrrSCaKGdmePT5ASu6gRJBHoB iPokbyeGPuF46B27dAY3fRZAkKdDh8WbNr iJhZPxQp7fWQCBvmyTFLAFs9Q8kWWEJHfi iKs7Kv9gaLCoJVXvnPkqf4peXFqZrCG1G4 iJRXgmaiwQ5r6NnxDcFgT2yBpjtWB1y5vM starts with letter i and contain numbers and letters a-z A-z with no special characters what is the correct regex >Solution : Looks like you’re looking for the regex ^i[A-za-z0-9]+$ Where the ^ means that the line is… Read More regular expression code containing letters and numbers