Shared object reference between different Rust containers without copy

Advertisements I want to have multiple data containers for the same object with the same reference (pointer), and can’t figure out how to achieve that in Rust. Go can simply use reference to the object as below: type container struct { id int status string } m1 := make(map[int]*container) m2 := make(map[int]*container) c := &container{id:… Read More Shared object reference between different Rust containers without copy

React – getting error when filter array of dates

Advertisements This gives me a array of createdAt timestamps like: [‘2022-05-22T21:57:45.202Z’, ‘2022-05-22T21:57:45.205Z’] const unpaid = => { return date.createdAt; }); Now i wanna try to filter the array and show only those dates that are older than 14 days: unpaid.filter( (test) => new Date().getTime() – test.getTime() / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)… Read More React – getting error when filter array of dates

Why does my code terminate without executing nextLine() function while taking input for fullname?

Advertisements I am trying to take input for two strings. One is for first name without any spaces and second one is for fullname that will include spaces between first-name and the last-name. As fname variable only holds one word so I used next() function there and nextLine() for full_name variable. But the code only… Read More Why does my code terminate without executing nextLine() function while taking input for fullname?