Python rule for parsing integer formatting specifier?

Advertisements I am trying to understand code that uses the following expression f"{current_file_start_time.year}{current_file_start_time.month:02}{}" Here is a minimum working example, pasted from a Spyder console: from datetime import datetime, timezone current_file_start_time = current_file_start_time.month Out[20]: 4 type(_) Out[21]: int f"{current_file_start_time.year}{current_file_start_time.month:02}{}" Out[22]: ‘20240410’ More specifically, The month 04 is due to the component {current_file_start_time.month:02}. The relevant rules… Read More Python rule for parsing integer formatting specifier?

Python rule for parsing integer formatting specifier?

Advertisements I am trying to understand code that uses the following expression f"{current_file_start_time.year}{current_file_start_time.month:02}{}" Here is a minimum working example, pasted from a Spyder console: from datetime import datetime, timezone current_file_start_time = current_file_start_time.month Out[20]: 4 type(_) Out[21]: int f"{current_file_start_time.year}{current_file_start_time.month:02}{}" Out[22]: ‘20240410’ More specifically, The month 04 is due to the component {current_file_start_time.month:02}. The relevant rules… Read More Python rule for parsing integer formatting specifier?

How to build relevant auto generating tags recommendation model in python

Advertisements How to Build a Relevant Auto Generating Tags Recommendation Model in Python One of the most important features of any blog or website is its ability to recommend relevant tags to users. This not only helps users find related content easily, but it also improves the overall user experience. In this blog post, we’ll… Read More How to build relevant auto generating tags recommendation model in python

Annotating top of stacked barplot in matplotlib

Advertisements I made a stacked barplot in matplotlib and want to print the total of each bar at the top, import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt df = pd.DataFrame() df[‘year’] = [‘2012′,’2013′,’2014’] df[‘test 1’] = [4,17,5] df[‘test 2’] = [1,4,1] df[‘test 2a’] = [1,1,2] df[‘test 3’] = [2,1,8] df[‘test… Read More Annotating top of stacked barplot in matplotlib

Python: How do I print a float with a configurable number of decimals

Advertisements I want to print some numbers and easily configure how many decimals are displayed. How do I turn something like this: import numpy as np x, y, z, s = np.random.random(4) str_out = ‘[%0.4f,\t%0.4f,\t%0.4f,\t%0.4f]’ % (x, y, z, s) print(str_out) and effectively replace %0.4f with a variable I know I could achieve the same… Read More Python: How do I print a float with a configurable number of decimals

Java how to Format Date to yyyy-MM-dd?

Advertisements Hey there I have a question regarding the way that Java parses or formatts a Date. I have this code: private DateFormat dateFormatter = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.FULL, Locale.GERMAN); private DateFormat dateFormatter2 = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.MEDIUM, Locale.GERMAN); … String dateTest = dateFormatter.format(Long.parseLong(pair.getKey().get(3))); String dateTest2 = dateFormatter2.format(Long.parseLong(pair.getKey().get(3))); System.out.println("dateTest: " + dateTest + " || dateTest2: " + dateTest2); This gives… Read More Java how to Format Date to yyyy-MM-dd?