Why is it that even after a stack overflow error, in getter and setter methods, the rest of my code still works in JavaScript?

Advertisements I’m currently learning about setters and getters in Javascript but I ran into an issue. I’ve named a property in my class the same name as my get and set methods which I understand can lead to recursion and cause a stack overflow but why is it that ‘msg’ still gets assigned to ‘Sandra’… Read More Why is it that even after a stack overflow error, in getter and setter methods, the rest of my code still works in JavaScript?

Uncaught TypeError on methods when using Setters and Getters in Javascript Class

Advertisements I’m trying to use setters and getters in my class to set the url field as an object with its own properties (value, domain, icon), but when I use a string method like "startsWith()" on the url parameter, I am getting the error "Uncaught TypeError: url.startsWith is not a function." I read about setters… Read More Uncaught TypeError on methods when using Setters and Getters in Javascript Class