PayPal Partner Referrals API URL

Advertisements I am having trouble setting up Partner Referrals when calling the PayPal API using Node. Every time I attempt to call the API I receive the following error: error: "invalid_token" error_description: "The token passed in was not found in the system" According to the documentation the URL to call is Looking at the… Read More PayPal Partner Referrals API URL

Get the most frequent value of several variables

Advertisements I am trying to get the most frequent value for each variable in a dataset in python. For example, I want to know the most frequent preferred color for a person per city. data = {‘Name’:[‘Tom’, ‘nick’, ‘krish’, ‘jack’, ‘John’, ‘Bettany’, ‘Leo’, ‘Aubrie’, ‘Martha’, ‘Grant’], ‘Age’:[20, 21, 19, 18,24,25,26,26,27, 25], ‘Prefered color’:[‘green’, ‘green’, ‘red’,… Read More Get the most frequent value of several variables

Can I list privileges that were granted DIRECTLY to a user in Oracle?

Advertisements Seems like simple selects from session_privs and user_sys_privs give all current privileges, but I cannot differentiate which of them are inherited from a role and which were granted directly. Is there a way of listing ONLY directly granted privileges? >Solution : If you query dictionary, here’s some interesting result: SQL> select * from dictionary… Read More Can I list privileges that were granted DIRECTLY to a user in Oracle?

collapse duplicate rows into a single row by "|"

Advertisements I have a data frame which looks like: # A tibble: 19 × 5 Date Country `Implementing Institution(s)` `Policy Tool(s)` Magnitude <date> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> 1 2020-05-14 Spain Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation,European Investment Bank Lending 1.5 2 2020-05-28 Spain European Investment Bank Lending 250 3 2020-06-16 Spain European Investment Bank… Read More collapse duplicate rows into a single row by "|"