Use specific select option when loading the page (jQuery + Ajax)

Advertisements I retrieve a URL with jQuery + Ajax and determine the display based on certain select options. The selection works fine, however I can’t manage to place a default. I would like value="3" to be preselected and show the corresponding result already when loading the page, without having selected an option before. How can… Read More Use specific select option when loading the page (jQuery + Ajax)

How to locate the pagination select button using Python Selenium

Advertisements Code trials: from selenium import webdriver from import Select from import By from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import pandas as pd driver = webdriver.Firefox() url = r"" driver.get(url) select = Select(driver.find_element(By.XPATH, r"/html/body/div[2]/div[2]/div[2]/div[3]/section[2]/div/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/div[3]/div/label/div/select")) select.select_by_index(0) No matter everything I try I cannot find this full Xpath. I just want the code to recognise the little… Read More How to locate the pagination select button using Python Selenium

Add class when Checkbox checked OR value not equals "0" in Selected Option

Advertisements I have a filter that has several checkboxes and a dropdown. <input type="checkbox" id="myCheck1"> <input type="checkbox" id="myCheck2"> <select id="mySelect"> <option value>Zero</option> <option value="one">One</option> <option value="two">Two</option> <option value-"three">Three</option> </select> I need to notify the user that a filter is enabled. Minimal to add a class to html if any of the the checkboxes is checked,… Read More Add class when Checkbox checked OR value not equals "0" in Selected Option

How to get an array of currently selected items of a multiple-selection HTML select?

Advertisements How to get an array like ["Apple", "Orange"] of currently selected items of a multiple-selection HTML select? We could probably parse the <option> HTML of s.selectedOptions but there is surely a more standard way: var s = document.getElementById(‘mySelect’); document.onclick = () => { console.log(s.selectedIndex); console.log(s.selectedOptions); }; <select multiple id=”mySelect”> <option>Apple</option> <option>Orange</option> <option>Pineapple</option> <option>Banana</option> </select>… Read More How to get an array of currently selected items of a multiple-selection HTML select?

Single-selectable listview in pure HTML/CSS?

Advertisements By default a <select> element is a dropdown menu which I don’t want: I want to display the full list. This is possible with multiple: <select name=”pets” multiple size=”5″> <option>dog</option> <option>cat</option> <option>hamster</option> <option>bird</option> <option>donkey</option> <option>fish</option> </select> but then obviously the user can select multiple elements. How to have a full list view (like with… Read More Single-selectable listview in pure HTML/CSS?