How to find an index of the ArrayList from the starting index in Java?

Advertisements I want to search for an index of the element in the ArrayList but I want to start searching from starting index different than 0. I tried like this: import java.util.*; public class Test{ public static void main(String[] args) { ArrayList<String> bricks = new ArrayList<String>(List.of("BBBB","CCCC","DDDD")); System.out.println(bricks.subList(1, bricks.size()).indexOf("CCCC")); } } Output: 0 Expected output: 1… Read More How to find an index of the ArrayList from the starting index in Java?

Unexpected behavior of Java ArrayList.set() method with multiplication in forEach loop

Advertisements Setting initial array values (no issue): import java.util.ArrayList; public class arraylists { public static void main (String[] args) { ArrayList<Integer> numbers = new ArrayList<Integer>(); numbers.add(3); numbers.add(1); numbers.add(4); numbers.add(2); System.out.println(numbers.toString()); } } Console output: [3, 1, 4, 2] Trying forEach addition (no issue): numbers.forEach(number -> { numbers.set(numbers.indexOf(number), number + 10); }); System.out.println(numbers.toString()); Console output: [13,… Read More Unexpected behavior of Java ArrayList.set() method with multiplication in forEach loop

Trying to make a new object from three exsisting objects using javascript

Advertisements I have three objects each are serialized from Django-rest framework. Each object is a array of a user in a profile. Each profile needs one org_id and email to be valid. "activeUsers" and "inactiveUsers" will never have a duplicates, each element shares the same org_id, and user_id and email will always be different. "nonProfileUsers"… Read More Trying to make a new object from three exsisting objects using javascript

I want to find the index/ or position of the word that my program found to be the longest in the string

Advertisements This is my code, I am taking input from user, I want to find out the index/ or position of the longest word in the string the user is typing. I can’t seem to figure this out! Wherever I try to find help, I get indexOf() method in which you manually have to type… Read More I want to find the index/ or position of the word that my program found to be the longest in the string

Higher Order Functions : Array Filter JavaSctipt

Advertisements I have an array of strings that I am wanting to filter. var words = [‘hello’, ‘sunshine’, ‘apple’, ‘orange’, ‘pineapple’]; I am wanting to keep only the words that include the letter ‘a’. var wordsWithA = words.filter(function (word) { return words.indexOf(‘a’, 4); }); how do you accomplish this using indexOf in javascript? >Solution :… Read More Higher Order Functions : Array Filter JavaSctipt

MenuItem and toolbar missing in new activity Android Studio Unknown Bug

Advertisements I am completely new to Android Studio and just learned Object-oriented programming. My project requires me to build something on open-source code. I added a new menu item to a menu and want to start another activity once the user clicks the menu item with id: plot. The intent will be sent from if… Read More MenuItem and toolbar missing in new activity Android Studio Unknown Bug