Targeting child elements belonging to a specific class using JQuery :nth-child(n) selector

Advertisements I am trying to apply some CSS classes on a specific html button using JQuery. The button that I am trying to target is the 2nd button in the #left-well div. All the buttons in my html have the class of .target and I am using the $(".target:nth-child(2)").addClass("animated bounce"). But upon running the script,… Read More Targeting child elements belonging to a specific class using JQuery :nth-child(n) selector

How to get last child from parent element using query selector method?

Advertisements For example: <div class="list-container"> <p>hello<p> <p>hello<p> <p>hello<p> <p>hello<p> </div> How to get that last child element? I would like to point out that the children elements are dynamically created and keep increasing or decreasing according to the user’s whim. And I want to be able to pick the last child every time this happens.… Read More How to get last child from parent element using query selector method?