jq – Cannot index string with string "key"

Advertisements I have a JSON file, which contains similar records like following: { "timeZone": "+0200", "deviceCode": 202590286, "type": 8, "version": 1622385523034, "recordId": "TkgTDAAAAAAIAAAArF62vXkBAAA=", "dataId": 0, "healthDataSource": 0, "appType": 1, "startTime": 1622385516204, "endTime": 1622385516204, "samplePoints": [ { "mergedFlag": 0, "unit": "0", "startTime": 1622385516204, "endTime": 1622385516204, "value": "{\"age\":29,\"basalMetabolism\":2266.0,\"bmi\":34.0,\"bodyAge\":38,\"bodyFatRate\":33.20000076293945,\"bodyScore\":67.0,\"bodySize\":5,\"bodyWeight\":115.19999694824219,\"boneSalt\":3.989405632019043,\"extendAttribute\":\"0\",\"gender\":1,\"heartRate\":84,\"height\":184,\"moisture\":51.61684036254883,\"moistureRate\":44.8062858581543,\"muscleMass\":72.9608154296875,\"pole\":1,\"proteinRate\":21.34735107421875,\"skeletalMusclelMass\":42.30829620361328,\"visceralFatLevel\":20.0}", "key": "WEIGHT_BODYFAT_BROAD" } ] }, { "timeZone": "+0200", "deviceCode":… Read More jq – Cannot index string with string "key"

What is wrong with this deserialization? Keep getting error trying to deserialize the response file

Advertisements What is wrong with this deserialization of my response file? I Keep getting exception when I am trying to deserialize the response file to my model that I created. When I try to put the response json in a file and run the deserialize it works fine. But when I am trying to convert… Read More What is wrong with this deserialization? Keep getting error trying to deserialize the response file