what's the difference between `simp` and `simp!`? Where is `simp!` defined?

Advertisements I can’t find any information online about the simp! tactic, although it is suggested by the autocomplete function on VSCode. I’ve tried using it and it seems to work differently from simp, but while I can trace the definition of simp back to its source file, this doesn’t seem possible for simp!. Is this… Read More what's the difference between `simp` and `simp!`? Where is `simp!` defined?

How to build relevant auto generating tags recommendation model in python

Advertisements How to Build a Relevant Auto Generating Tags Recommendation Model in Python One of the most important features of any blog or website is its ability to recommend relevant tags to users. This not only helps users find related content easily, but it also improves the overall user experience. In this blog post, we’ll… Read More How to build relevant auto generating tags recommendation model in python

How can I define a function in Lean prover? (In "A function is injective then has left inverse")

Advertisements I want to prove the fact "A function is injective, then it has left-inverse." in Lean Prover. As you know, in standard proof of this theorem, ( https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/2099699/left-inverse-in-f-a-iff-injective-proof ), we should define a function which is defined by case-by-case form. But I think that there is no way to define case-by-case form function in… Read More How can I define a function in Lean prover? (In "A function is injective then has left inverse")