How to build relevant auto generating tags recommendation model in python

Advertisements How to Build a Relevant Auto Generating Tags Recommendation Model in Python One of the most important features of any blog or website is its ability to recommend relevant tags to users. This not only helps users find related content easily, but it also improves the overall user experience. In this blog post, we’ll… Read More How to build relevant auto generating tags recommendation model in python

Is there any way to share a variable between a library and a main script in python?

Advertisements I have a main script from tkinter import * root = Tk() frame = Frame(root) frame.pack() textDisplay = Entry(frame) textDisplay.pack() btn1=Button(root,text=’add here ‘,command=function) btn1.pack() def function (): textDisplay.insert(0,’Some String’) return root.mainloop() i want to create a library that contain my functions (function()), so i create from import textDisplay def function ():… Read More Is there any way to share a variable between a library and a main script in python?

GLM linking in CMakeLists.txt

Advertisements I cannot link glm library with my executable. I tried link via ${GLM_INCLUDE_DIRS}, ${GLM_LIBRARIES} and ${GLM_LIBRARY_DIRS} cmake variables but it does not work. How can I link libraries and inludes of glm with my executable? I am using find_package() method : find_package(glm REQUIRED PATHS "${GLM_BINARY_DIR}" NO_DEFAULT_PATH) And does not have any problem with find_package()… Read More GLM linking in CMakeLists.txt

React JW player how to get current duration of video?

Advertisements I am using React JW player. My component <ReactJWPlayer playerId="id" playerScript="; playlist={{"My JSON"}} /> This is working well. I need to get the current duration of the playing video. How can I do that in reactjs? >Solution : You can access "raw" JW player by doing <ReactJWPlayer playerId="id" … let playerInstance = window.jwplayer(‘id’); To… Read More React JW player how to get current duration of video?

How to apply expression inside expression dynamically?

Advertisements So, I have property, which is an expression. public Expression<Func<Profile, bool>> ManagerFilter { get; set; } Next, I want to implement this filter, which is the expression above dynamically here: var queryTest = applicantCacheRepo .Include(a=>a.Profile) .ThenInclude(p=>p.ProfileEmployer) .ThenInclude(p=>p.Employer) .Include(a=>a.ProfileApplicationDetail) .ThenInclude(p=>p.ApplicationStatusSysCodeUnique) .Include(a=>a.Person) .ThenInclude(p=>p.PersonDetail) .Include(a=>a.JobSpecification) .ThenInclude(j=>j.JobSpecificationDetail) .FirstOrDefaultAsync(a=>a.Profile == filters.ManagerFilter) What I am trying to do here is… Read More How to apply expression inside expression dynamically?