How to build relevant auto generating tags recommendation model in python

Advertisements How to Build a Relevant Auto Generating Tags Recommendation Model in Python One of the most important features of any blog or website is its ability to recommend relevant tags to users. This not only helps users find related content easily, but it also improves the overall user experience. In this blog post, we’ll… Read More How to build relevant auto generating tags recommendation model in python

regex: cleaning text: remove everything upto a certain line

Advertisements I have a text file containing The Tragedie of Macbeth. I want to clean it and the first step is to remove everything upto the line The Tragedie of Macbeth and store the remaining part in removed_intro_file. I tried: import re filename, title = ‘MacBeth.txt’, ‘The Tragedie of Macbeth’ with open(filename, ‘r’) as file:… Read More regex: cleaning text: remove everything upto a certain line

Trying to have the corresponding answer by typing the room number

Advertisements def main(): # Initialize dictionaries rooms = { ‘CS101’:3004, ‘CS102’:4501, ‘CS103’:6755, ‘NT110’:1244, ‘CM241’:1411} instructors = {‘CS101′:’Haynes’, ‘CS102′:’Alvarado’, ‘CS103′:’Rich’, ‘NT110′:’Burke’, ‘CM241′:’Lee’} times = {‘CS101′:’8:00 am’, ‘CS102′:’9:00 am’, ‘CS103′:’10:00 am’, ‘NT110′:’11:00 am’, ‘CM241′:’12:00 pm’} course = input(‘Enter a course number:’ ) if course not in rooms: print(course, ‘is an invalid course number.’) else: print(‘The details for… Read More Trying to have the corresponding answer by typing the room number

I want my program to not count same numbers again

Advertisements Here is my code: from random import randint total = int(input(‘Enter the number of iterations’)) count=0 for i in range(1,total+1): print(‘i’,i) number1=randint(1,5) print(‘num1’,number1) number2=randint(1,5) print(‘num2’,number2) if number1==number2: count+=1 print(‘The number matched’,count) Here is the code result: Enter the number of iterations >>> 20 i 1 num1 2 num2 1 i 2 num1 5 num2… Read More I want my program to not count same numbers again

Pygame doesn't draw line

Advertisements import pygame import sys pygame.init() width, height = 1000, 800 win = pygame.display.set_mode((width, height)) pygame.display.set_caption("Colonizer") win.fill("white") pygame.display.update() def draw(): pygame.draw.line(win, ("black"), [width,height/2], [width*2,height/2], 5) while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() draw() pygame.display.update() I’m trying to make one simple line and for some reason pygame won’t draw it, it… Read More Pygame doesn't draw line