How can I join multiple strings with logical operators to create a search term with for loop in python

I want to create a search term, depending on the input given. For example, when the user provides the phone number "69420" and name "Karen", the following code: getbools = [f"{phone}" != "", f"{id}" != "", f"{name.replace(‘ ‘, ‘:’)}" != "", f"{email}" != ""] # [1, 0, 1, 0] searches = [f"{phone}", f"{id}", f"{name.replace(‘ ‘,… Read More How can I join multiple strings with logical operators to create a search term with for loop in python

Conditionally selecting observations to sum across rows

Say I have a dataset that looks like: set.seed(123) data <- data.frame(var1_zscore = rnorm(100), var2_zscore = rnorm(100), var3_zscore = rnorm(100), var4_zscore = rnorm(100), var5_zcore = rnorm(100)) I want to sum across each row based on conditions that are specific to each variable. For instance, if var1_zscore is <= -1, then add the absolute value of… Read More Conditionally selecting observations to sum across rows

Check if the previous value is present in the dataset with a logical operation [R]

I have this dataset structure(list(N = c("a", "b", "a", "b", "c", "a", "c"), S = c("3", "3", "2", "2", "2", "1", "1")), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -7L)) And I would like to verify if all group ‘N’ have a previous observation ‘S’. And that with a logical operation library(tidyverse) df %>% group_by(N) %>%… Read More Check if the previous value is present in the dataset with a logical operation [R]

"Coercing argument of type 'character' to logical" warning message for !any function

I run this code to see if in depth I have "0-5cm", it works but I also get a warning message that I don’t understand, anyone know? if (isTRUE(!any(depth) %in% "0-5cm")) {print("yes")} else {print("no")} [1] "yes" Warning message: In any(depth) : coercing argument of type ‘character’ to logical >Solution : You are mixing up your… Read More "Coercing argument of type 'character' to logical" warning message for !any function

IF returns false but should return true

HTML: <div class="container" id="1" onclick="test()"> </div> <div class="container" id="2" onclick="test()"> </div> <div class="container" id="3" onclick="test()"> </div> <div class="container" id="4" onclick="test()"> </div> JS: { document.getElementById("div", {id:"element1"})); if (document.getElementById("1").contains(document.getElementById("element1")) && document.getElementById("2").contains(document.getElementById("element1"))) { console.log("yes") } else { console.log("no") } }; This code returns "no" when element1 is in containers with id 1 and 2 but in my meaning… Read More IF returns false but should return true

OR and AND operator confusion in Javascript

I was coding along Colt Steele’s Web developer bootcamp. This is the original file [link] ( I was confused on line 5, while loop on line 5 continues as long as we don’t type "quit" or "q". It requires only one thing "quit" or "q" to close the loop, when I type either "quit" or… Read More OR and AND operator confusion in Javascript