JS: How to convert list item to lowercase and use it to get key from an object?

Advertisements I have a list and an object and I would like to use a list value to get one of the keys’ values. let devices = [‘001A2208B97D’,’001A2208C9FA’,’001A2214ADC8′,’001A2214A73A’,’001A2214B86E’,’001A2214A6DF’,’001A2214ADBF’,’001A2208CFD3′] let entities = [‘Temperature’, ‘Valve’, ‘Battery’, ‘Offset’] let temperature = { device_class: ‘temperature’, icon: "hass:thermometer-bluetooth", unit: "°C"} let valve = { device_class: ”, icon: "hass:valve", unit: "%"}… Read More JS: How to convert list item to lowercase and use it to get key from an object?

Jacascript: String puzzle with upper and lower case – one character not right

Advertisements Input: aHtuE Expected Output: A-Hh-Ttt-Uuuu-Eeeee Actual Output: A-HH-Ttt-Uuuu-Eeeee The function takes a string (in this example "aHtuE") and the output should be "A-Hh-Ttt-Uuuu-Eeeee". However the second "h" in this example appears in upper case instead of lower case. I guess it’s a counting problem or so, but whatever I try, I don’t get it.… Read More Jacascript: String puzzle with upper and lower case – one character not right

How to only select the very next string after target string but the next string after the target string, regardless of punctation?

Advertisements I have a df that looks like this: id query 1 select * from table1 where col1 = 1 2 select a.columns FROM table2 a I want to only select the string (table if you know sql) after the string FROM into a new column. FROM can be spelled with different capitalizations (ie From,… Read More How to only select the very next string after target string but the next string after the target string, regardless of punctation?

Python functions not running correctly

Advertisements I’ve written this code to convert a string to uppercase and lowercase, however when I call my functions, it doesn’t run. # take the input for the string string = input("Enter any string: ") def string_upper(up): return up.upper() print("Uppercase Output: ", string_upper(string)) def string_lower(low): return low.lower() print("Lowercase Output: ", string.lower(string)) if __name__ == "__main__":… Read More Python functions not running correctly

React Js Components imported but not displaying

Advertisements I have two components ‘footer’ and ‘header’ in the components directory. It imports properly but I am not able to display it. App.js import header from "./components/header"; import footer from "./components/footer"; function App() { return ( <> <header /> <main> <h1>Welcome to Proshop</h1> </main> <footer /> </> ) } export default App; header.js import… Read More React Js Components imported but not displaying