How to apply function that returns Result to each element of HashSet in Rust

Advertisements As a language that aims for safety and performance, Rust provides a powerful data structure called HashSet that provides a fast and efficient way to store and retrieve unique values. HashSet is optimized for scenarios where you need to check for the presence of a value and avoid duplicates, making it a popular choice… Read More How to apply function that returns Result to each element of HashSet in Rust

How to get the name of each array as you loop through an array of arrays php

Advertisements I have an array of arrays as so: $bookPages = array( "page-1-name" => array( "page_title" => "Search results", "page_name" => "search" ) , "page-2-name" => array( "page_title" => "Front Cover | HCDP", "page_name" => "cover" ) ) I am looping through to get the content each array like the "page_title" using a foreach. foreach… Read More How to get the name of each array as you loop through an array of arrays php

Azure KeyVault is giving a null reference exception when running GetSecret()

Advertisements When I try to get the API secret from Azure KeyVault, I am receiving a null reference error. I have the Key set up in the KeyVault, but secret is coming back as null. public static string GetKeyInformation(API_KEY) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(API_KEY)) { var keyVaultUrl = ""; var credential = new DefaultAzureCredential(); var client =… Read More Azure KeyVault is giving a null reference exception when running GetSecret()

Change background color of combined plots in ggpubr::ggarrange

Advertisements I can’t figure out why the bottom corners background is white, while the rest of the plot is grey. Is there anyway I can change the bottom corners color to the same background as the rest of the plot? The code im using for each plot is: HP_specifikationer_model1 <- ggplot(Svar_spec_data)+geom_hline(yintercept=0) geom_line(aes(y=HP1, x=kvartaler, color =… Read More Change background color of combined plots in ggpubr::ggarrange

How to handle "The given header was not found" when paging records in c# API GET request?

Advertisements I’m requesting data from an API that requires paging records based on a custom header called "cursor". Only 100 records may be retrieved per call and as such I’ve created a while loop to execute. The loop functions… until it doesn’t. Once all records are paged, the headers get dropped and my program errors… Read More How to handle "The given header was not found" when paging records in c# API GET request?

Parse over large JSON array of Objects from Facebook

Advertisements This is the JSON array: { "id": "", "name": "", "posts": { "data": [ { "likes": { "data": [ ], "paging": { "cursors": { "before": "QVFIUnpFd2IwMlhuOWI3dJqelFNNEZAPWDlqeENTNkg1N2RqMm9zQXBreVV6bE9KNXJzX29LeXlMZAzhNT2x3TEhlcGk3OG1Bd3ZABRmpyTXhnNDZAWV2hR", "after": "QVFIUl9Vbm14cld0dm41OTFtKYmgtelBKall2bnBINjBQMXBiNkNCMUM0d21lQXptOXRvbklkU0pHbV9yejNBVG9Jb2hqQTFoem1mdm9zMnJn" }, "next": "" }, "summary": { "total_count": 84, "can_like": true, "has_liked": false } }, "comments": { "data": [ { "created_time": "2022-05-25T18:22:19+0000", "message": "", "id": "" },… Read More Parse over large JSON array of Objects from Facebook