Power BI – Record or table column from comma separated and list

Advertisements How does one create a record or table from a comma separated value and a list of data? The comma separated values are the keys and the list contains the data. So far I have tried = Record.FromList((Splitter.SplitTextByEachDelimiter({","})([columns])),[data]) Expanding out the data and splitting the columns results in this: >Solution : Here you go.… Read More Power BI – Record or table column from comma separated and list

PowerBI/Power Query – Convert Unix Time to PQ DateTime

Advertisements Using PowerBI, I want to convert whole number values (eg. 1665158288, 1665159555, etc) to datetime. I have tried the following approach the date_output is whole number formatted, but encounter errors. date_output = DateTime.From([upLoad_date] * 86400) Each cell has errors such as below. DataFormat.Error: We couldn’t convert to DateTime. Details: 1.4387E+14 >Solution : #datetime(1970,1,1,0,0,0)+ #duration(0,0,0,[Unix])

Power Query Editor – Import .Parquet File

Advertisements How can I convert an imported .parquet file correctly, using Excel’s Power Query Editor? Are there drivers available for this in Excel? >Solution : You can use the inbuilt connector in Power BI: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/power-query/connectors/parquet let Source = Parquet.Document(File.Contents("C:\xxx\userdata1.parquet"), [Compression=null, LegacyColumnNameEncoding=false, MaxDepth=null]) in Source In Excel, I believe you need a 3rd party connector. https://www.cdata.com/drivers/parquet/excel/

Power Query – Columns as separate unrelated list (from unpivoted data)

Advertisements If I have a simple unpivoted list like this: Names Subjects John English Sam Art Fred Biology John Biology Emma Art Mike Biology How can I create a list like this where the rows are unrelated to each other and each column is almost a separate list? Pivoting doesn’t work – is this possible?… Read More Power Query – Columns as separate unrelated list (from unpivoted data)