Can't get value of numeric input if input is greater then 0

Advertisements <input type="number" placeholder="Number of people*" class="user_number" min="1" max="5"> let user_number = document.getElementsByClassName("user_number"); if($(user_number).val() > 0){ console.log($(user_number).val()); } but when i put anything more than 0 console doesn’t show up help please >Solution : You can attach an event listener for the "input" event so that the value is checked each time it changes. $(‘.user_number’).on(‘input’,… Read More Can't get value of numeric input if input is greater then 0

Transform column into numeric if some values have % sign and some don't

Advertisements I have a dataframe df containing multiple columns named x_1, x_2, x_3 and so on that are class character but I want to turn them numeric. The problem is, that some of the values are decimals and others are in percentages, containing a %-sign. See my input here: df <- data.frame(Company = c("abc", "def",… Read More Transform column into numeric if some values have % sign and some don't

Select only numeric columns from dataframes in a list : RSTUDIO

Advertisements I have this list of dataframes as follows : library(carData) library(datasets) l = list(Salaries,iris) I only want to select the numeric columns in this list of datasets. Already tried lapply with the function select_if(is.numeric) but it did not work with me. Would appreciate the help. Thanks. >Solution : We can use select with where… Read More Select only numeric columns from dataframes in a list : RSTUDIO

Turn multiple char columns with percentage sign into numerics in R

Advertisements I have some variables with are percentage values of their neighbour columns. I would like to turn them into numerics. I found some function to detect them either by column name or the percentage sign and managed to mutate single column with parse_number. How can I extend or simplify this to all columns with… Read More Turn multiple char columns with percentage sign into numerics in R

R: Convert all columns to numeric with mutate while maintaining character columns

Advertisements I have a dataframe which stores strings and some of those strings can be interpreted as numbers, however, they are still of class character. I want to automatically convert all columns which can be interpreted as numeric to numeric. I can do this easily with mutate_if, however it produces NAs for every remaining character… Read More R: Convert all columns to numeric with mutate while maintaining character columns

cannot cast to jsonb if non-negative numeric vlaue have plus sign

Advertisements the following command working select ‘[0,1, -2, -0.3444, 5.6]’::jsonb; However the following 3 not working. select ‘[0,1, -2, (+0.3444), 5.6]’::jsonb; select ‘[0,1, -2, +0.3444, 5.6]’::jsonb; select ‘[0,1, -2, +0, 5.6]’::jsonb; The following working. select +0.1; select (+0.1)::text; >Solution : The first working example is a string containing a valid JSON document being cast as… Read More cannot cast to jsonb if non-negative numeric vlaue have plus sign