How to select the last paragraph element ONLY if no other elements follow after her? (CSS selector question)

Advertisements How can I select the last paragraph <p> element, if and only its the last and lowest HTML element of the <article> element? I don’t want to use .classes or #id’s. A CSS selector should automatically find and select the <p> element. In my demo, in the first section, the last <p> element should… Read More How to select the last paragraph element ONLY if no other elements follow after her? (CSS selector question)

Space in f-string leads to ValueError: Invalid format specifier

Advertisements A colleague and I just stumbled across an interesting problem using an f-string. Here is a minimal example: >>> f"{ 42:x}" ‘2a’ Writing a space after the hexadecimal type leads to a ValueError: >>> f"{ 42:x }" Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> ValueError: Invalid format specifier I understand… Read More Space in f-string leads to ValueError: Invalid format specifier

Vertically center a text in a paragraph tag inside an 'absolute' positioned div

Advertisements There is main div Inside it a ‘relative’ positioned div then there are two tags img and then an overlay div, which has a p tag I cannot vertically the text inside the p tag TailWind PlayGround of above work >Solution : Use flex property. Just add three classes to your absolute positioned div… Read More Vertically center a text in a paragraph tag inside an 'absolute' positioned div