makeForkCluster creates a socket cluster on Unix

Advertisements > library(parallel) > cluster = makeForkCluster(2) > cluster socket cluster with 2 nodes on host ‘localhost’ > rm(cluster) > .Platform$OS.type [1] "unix" This behavior is the same on a Ubuntu 22 box and on a Mac. How come I can’t create a fork cluster? >Solution : parallel::makeForkCluster() does setup forked parallel processes: > cluster… Read More makeForkCluster creates a socket cluster on Unix

Using Only One ForEach Loop

Advertisements Please see the following Code:- Private Sub PictureBox1_Paint(sender As Object, e As PaintEventArgs) Handles PictureBox1.Paint Parallel.ForEach(Segments.OfType(Of Segment), Sub(segment) Try segment.DrawLine(e.Graphics) Catch ex As Exception End Try End Sub ) Parallel.ForEach(Ellipses.OfType(Of Ellipse), Sub(ellipse) Try ellipse.DrawEllipse(e.Graphics) Catch ex As Exception End Try End Sub ) End Sub Is it Possible to use only One ForEach loop… Read More Using Only One ForEach Loop

How to iterate through a directory_iterator in parallel?

Advertisements std::filesystem::directory_iterator is a LegacyInputIterator and apparently it can’t be used in a parallel std::for_each I can iterate through the directory_iterator, get the items, place them in a vector and use that vector for parallel iteration. Can the above step be omitted? Is there a way to iterate through a directory_iterator in parallel like this:… Read More How to iterate through a directory_iterator in parallel?