Uncaught PDOException: SQLSTATE[21S01]: Insert value list does not match column list

Advertisements So i’ve tried for the past hours to make sense of this Exception but it keeps saying the insert value list doesn’t match column list. This is the code for my php: function insert_data($humidity, $temperature, $sensor_id, $log_time) { $conn = db_connect(); //connects to database $sql = "INSERT INTO data(humidity, temperature, log_time, sensor_id)\n" . "VALUES… Read More Uncaught PDOException: SQLSTATE[21S01]: Insert value list does not match column list

Compare Two MySQL tables using PHP PDO return Column data from either table based on if row exists

Advertisements I’m trying to run some PHP to search table 2 based on ID and if the ID exists then return data from the row. My structure goes something like this user_login – ID || USERNAME || EMAIL || PASS || CREATED DATE user_details – ID (sameID as above) || USER FIRST NAME || LAST… Read More Compare Two MySQL tables using PHP PDO return Column data from either table based on if row exists

SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid parameter number: number of bound variables does not match number of tokens and i am new ussin pdo for connection to database

Advertisements $query="INSERT INTO users (username,pwd,email) values(‘:userName’,’:pwd’,’:Email’)"; $stmt=$pdo->prepare($query); $stmt->bindParam(‘:userName’,$username); $stmt->bindParam(‘:pwd’,$password); $stmt->bindParam(‘:Email’,$email); $stmt->execute(); here’s my code my parameter are same but it keeps giving me this error i have tried changing the placeholders names but did not work >Solution : In your query you have quotes around the placeholder names, making them into strings. If you remove… Read More SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid parameter number: number of bound variables does not match number of tokens and i am new ussin pdo for connection to database

Fatal error: Uncaught PDOException: SQLSTATE[HY093] (2)

Advertisements I was working on an edit user page and this error appeared: Fatal error: Uncaught PDOException: SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid parameter number: number of bound variables does not match the number of tokens in C:\Program Files\xampp\htdocs\ecommerce\admin\members.php:115 Stack trace: #0 C:\Program Files\xampp\htdocs\ecommerce\admin\members.php(115): PDOStatement->execute(Array) #1 {main} thrown in C:\Program Files\xampp\htdocs\ecommerce\admin\members.php on line 115 <?php /* manage members page… Read More Fatal error: Uncaught PDOException: SQLSTATE[HY093] (2)

mysql batch update process

Advertisements I need to batch update balances of some users in members table, how should mysql query be? MembersArray = array(1,3,4); AmountToBeAdded = 10; members id. balance 1. 45 2. 15 3. 0 4. 120 5. 80 Thanks already for your help >Solution : UPDATE members SET balance = balance + 10 WHERE members.id IN(1,3,4)

Iterate over a fetch call with PDO

Advertisements I need to convert a while of a fetch of data in PDO into a for loop. The for loop don’t have to be a foreach but something like that: for($count = 0; ………; $count++){} How can i do that? My code now is: while ($row = $stmt -> fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)){ print("<tr>"); print("<td>".$row[‘name’]."</td>"); print("<td>".$row[‘surname’]."</td>"); print("<td>".$row[‘dateOfBirth’]."</td>");… Read More Iterate over a fetch call with PDO