Receiving an exception and code failing when trying to delete a line from a .txt file using java

I am trying to delete a specific line from my text file using java, My code is supposed to write the file to a temp file and skip writing the username (chosen to be deleted), it is then supposed to delete the original file and rename the new temp file to match the original. The… Read More Receiving an exception and code failing when trying to delete a line from a .txt file using java

Pandas groupby and get nunique of multiple columns in a dataframe

I have a dataframe like as below stu_id,Mat_grade,sci_grade,eng_grade 1,A,C,A 1,A,C,A 1,B,C,A 1,C,C,A 2,D,B,B 2,D,C,B 2,D,D,C 2,D,A,C tf = pd.read_clipboard(sep=’,’) My objective is to a) Find out how many different unique grades that a student got under Mat_grade, sci_grade and eng_grade So, I tried the below tf[‘mat_cnt’] = tf.groupby([‘stu_id’])[‘Mat_grade’].nunique() tf[‘sci_cnt’] = tf.groupby([‘stu_id’])[‘sci_grade’].nunique() tf[‘eng_cnt’] = tf.groupby([‘stu_id’])[‘eng_grade’].nunique() But… Read More Pandas groupby and get nunique of multiple columns in a dataframe

Axios Request returns 404 even though URL is valid and the API functions correctly

I’ve been working on making a simple website that handles information for a MySQL database of books. Intro/Problem: I’ve gotten the server (spring-boot), database (MySQL) and website (React) running as they’re expected to with the sole exception of one particular GET request even though there doesn’t seem to be anything wrong with it at all.… Read More Axios Request returns 404 even though URL is valid and the API functions correctly

Dynamic render react child component

How can i dynamic render react child component? Now that looks like this and its works. <CustomFieldArea> {(ExampleCustomFields || []).map((e: { field: string; CustomComponent: ‘Text’ | ‘TextArea’ }) => { if (e?.CustomComponent === ‘Text’) { return ( <CustomFieldArea.Text name={e?.field} /> ) } if (e?.CustomComponent === ‘TextArea’) { return ( <CustomFieldArea.TextArea name={e?.field} /> ) } })}… Read More Dynamic render react child component

zipfile.extract throwing CrcError for .7z files

the following code I wrote to extract the files from .7z zip file. Code is throwing "Exception has occurred: CrcError". if I am specifying files one by one code works fine.In for loop it throws CrcError. selective_files = ‘folder\abc[1].txt,folder\abc[2].txt’ with py7zr.SevenZipFile(fol_doc_text, ‘r’) as archive: allfiles = archive.getnames() file_exists_list = [] for file_name in selective_files.split(","): if… Read More zipfile.extract throwing CrcError for .7z files

PowerShell variable value is different

I’m new to Powershell/WPF and I’m having a simple problem that I couldn’t solve. I am trying to get the text from the variable = TextBox but I’m getting "System.Windows.Controls.Button: Connect" instead. Here’s my PowerShell code. $TextBox.Add_TextChanged({ $script:TextBoxPS = $TextBox.Text.ToString() }) $Button.Add_Click({param($TextBoxPS) Write-Host "$TextBoxPS" }) I’m not sure what’s the problem. Can you guys please… Read More PowerShell variable value is different