Bootstrap 5 data-bs-toggle vs data-toggle. Adding the bs breaks my whole Popper

I’m one month into learning Web Development. From what I’ve read, the data-bs-toggle is the newer name for Bootstrap 5. What is the difference between Bootstrap data-toggle vs data-bs-toggle attributes? My code is simple. In the head, I’ve included CSS, jQuery, and JavaScript Bundle with Popper. In the body, I have two links with a… Read More Bootstrap 5 data-bs-toggle vs data-toggle. Adding the bs breaks my whole Popper

Parse over large JSON array of Objects from Facebook

This is the JSON array: { "id": "", "name": "", "posts": { "data": [ { "likes": { "data": [ ], "paging": { "cursors": { "before": "QVFIUnpFd2IwMlhuOWI3dJqelFNNEZAPWDlqeENTNkg1N2RqMm9zQXBreVV6bE9KNXJzX29LeXlMZAzhNT2x3TEhlcGk3OG1Bd3ZABRmpyTXhnNDZAWV2hR", "after": "QVFIUl9Vbm14cld0dm41OTFtKYmgtelBKall2bnBINjBQMXBiNkNCMUM0d21lQXptOXRvbklkU0pHbV9yejNBVG9Jb2hqQTFoem1mdm9zMnJn" }, "next": "" }, "summary": { "total_count": 84, "can_like": true, "has_liked": false } }, "comments": { "data": [ { "created_time": "2022-05-25T18:22:19+0000", "message": "", "id": "" }, {… Read More Parse over large JSON array of Objects from Facebook

How to don't allow set only the same characters and only special sign – regex js

I’m looking for some regex pattern to: not allow set the same characters not allow only special signs. So: 11111111 – not allow 1111811111 – allow rrrrrrrr – not allow rrrrrrrrrr5 – allow 11111111% – allow %$!@$!@@@@ – not allow %%%%%%%%%1 – allow I found regex which is helpful for recognize that string has only… Read More How to don't allow set only the same characters and only special sign – regex js

WPF Control Style of Button not detecting IsMouseOver

So am trying to create button style (background opacity to black with 20% alpha and default colour of text changes to clear white) with using ResourceDictionary. I do include file into App.xaml like: <ResourceDictionary> <ResourceDictionary.MergedDictionaries> <ResourceDictionary Source="Style/ButtonStyles.xaml"/> </ResourceDictionary.MergedDictionaries> </ResourceDictionary> and to button am applying x:Key Style="{StaticResource TopBarButtons}" so my style of it looks like (random… Read More WPF Control Style of Button not detecting IsMouseOver

If otherwise error " The <= operator can not be applied to operands of type "TextBox" and "int")

I have just started programming and have an error that I can not fix. If otherwise error " The <= operator can not be applied to operands of type "TextBox" and "int"). private void bn_CocaCola_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int GetränkeWert = 2; if (tbh_GeldAs <= GetränkeWert) { tbh_GeldAs.Text = ("Endnehmen sie Ihr Getränk"); }… Read More If otherwise error " The <= operator can not be applied to operands of type "TextBox" and "int")