How to build relevant auto generating tags recommendation model in python

Advertisements How to Build a Relevant Auto Generating Tags Recommendation Model in Python One of the most important features of any blog or website is its ability to recommend relevant tags to users. This not only helps users find related content easily, but it also improves the overall user experience. In this blog post, we’ll… Read More How to build relevant auto generating tags recommendation model in python

I'm trying to iterate through a list of Objects, using their values for collision detection. Java processing

Advertisements Im making a 2D space shooter game with an array list of enemies each with their own values and PVectors. I need to iterate through the array list and compare the values of each enemy to the value of the player projectile. My collision code where im getting the error on line 4. void… Read More I'm trying to iterate through a list of Objects, using their values for collision detection. Java processing

Unable to read/write to file from Lua script running from HAPRoxy

Advertisements I was using Lua with HAProxy to write logs into custom log file. Although my script is running totally fine. But I don’t see anything written in my text file. Here is my lua script which I am loading from HAProxy.cfg. local function foo(value) — MY CODE — file ="test.lua", "a") io.output(file) io.write("The… Read More Unable to read/write to file from Lua script running from HAPRoxy

Msp430 DATA16_I and DATA16_Z

Advertisements During my programming activities I encountered a problem with running out of RAM memory. The message says; Error[e16]: Segment DATA16_Z (size: 0x638 align: 0x1) is too long for segment definition. At least 0x44 more bytes needed. The problem occurred while processing the segment placement command "-Z(DATA)DATA16_I,DATA16_Z,DATA16_N=0200-_SYS_RAM_END", where at the moment of placement the available… Read More Msp430 DATA16_I and DATA16_Z

Does running a synchronous method using Task.Run() make it asynchronous

Advertisements Let’s consider a class (This is not the class or code I’m using in my application, just trying to learn with this example) class Person { public int Id {get; set;} public string Name {get; set;} public int DeptId {get; set;} public string Department {get; set;} } Now let’s assume I get a List… Read More Does running a synchronous method using Task.Run() make it asynchronous