Why do my Java server tests pass when I add a System.out.println(in.readLine()) statement before the tests, but fail without that statement?

Advertisements I’m working on implementing a server in Java to handle a multiplayer Minesweeper game. In trying to test my server to ensure that it responds correctly to legal client requests, I am finding that the tests only pass if I add a System.out.println(in.readLine()) statement after printing a particular client request to the output stream… Read More Why do my Java server tests pass when I add a System.out.println(in.readLine()) statement before the tests, but fail without that statement?

C-W is deleting my command prompt – how to stop this

Advertisements I’m working on a small shell and using libreadline to get command input. problem My command prompt is getting deleted when I use C-W note this only happens after I enter a word and then C-W, C-w immediately doesn’t delete the prompt. source #include <stdio.h> #include <readline/readline.h> #include <readline/history.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> int… Read More C-W is deleting my command prompt – how to stop this

Which is better? Integer.valueOf(readLine()) or readLine()!!.toInt()

Advertisements I am learning Kotlin using codeacademy. In the Madlibs project I was asked to read an number input using readLine() from the user and then convert it to an integer. I want to know which of the two solutions is better moving forward. This was my solution: distance = readLine()!!.toInt() This was the given… Read More Which is better? Integer.valueOf(readLine()) or readLine()!!.toInt()

ReadLine (Buffered reader) does not work in a loop

Advertisements I’m writing code in Intelij. readLine does not correctly read the input (puts a line break at the end of the line), which is why the next readline does not work (becomes automatically empty). Code: public class Start { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)); String… Read More ReadLine (Buffered reader) does not work in a loop

How can I use named group in C# regex switch/case?

Advertisements I want to write a code that checks if it matches to a regular expression then prints matched string. I found other question Can I use regex expression in c# with switch case?, but IsMatch method only returns boolean so I couldn’t retrieve named group string. var filepath = @"path/to/file.txt"; foreach (string line File.ReadLines(filepath))… Read More How can I use named group in C# regex switch/case?

Show small window with image from CLI

Advertisements What the problem in this code i’ve written ? using System; using System.Windows.Forms; public class stfu { public static void Main() { Console.WriteLine("Hello Toxic world!"); var f = new Form(); f.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None; f.Controls.Add(new PictureBox() { ImageLocation = @"image.png",Dock = DockStyle.Fill}); f.Show(); Console.ReadLine(); } } form not responding. . . >Solution : You need… Read More Show small window with image from CLI

Web-Scraping using R (I want to extract some table like data from a website)

Advertisements I’m having some problems scraping data from a website. I do have not a lot of experience with web-scraping. My intended plan is to scrape some data using R from the following website: https://www.myfxbook.com/forex-broker-swaps More precisely, I want to extract the Forex Brokers Swap Comparison for all the available pairs. My idea so far:… Read More Web-Scraping using R (I want to extract some table like data from a website)

Remove items from one list if they contain strings from another list

Advertisements I’m looking for the most efficient way to remove items from one list if they contain strings from another list. For example: B list contains: TomWentFishing SueStayedHome JohnGoesToSchool JimPlaysTennis A list contains: GoesToSchool SueStayed C list should contain: TomWentFishing JimPlaysTennis I’ve used this code, but it takes up a lot of time as the… Read More Remove items from one list if they contain strings from another list