Laravel: Has many through not respecting whereHas

Advertisements I am trying to construct a hasManyThrough relationship in Laravel 10. I have 3 tables: users table (standard Laravel columns), client_assignments, and media_ad_plans A user can be assigned to multiple clients in the client_assignments table. In the media_ad_plans table an entry belongs to one client. In my Users model I am defining the relationship… Read More Laravel: Has many through not respecting whereHas

How to lowercase nested relation field in Laravel Eloquent query?

Advertisements I have a search mechanism like this, with "client.partner" nested relation: $query->whereHas("client.partner", function ($query) use ($searchterm, $relation) { $query->when($relation === "contains", function ($query) use ($searchterm, $relation) { $query->where("", "LIKE", "%" . strtolower($searchterm) . "%"); }); }); The question is, that how "" in where clause can be lowercased. I tried to use LOWER() function,… Read More How to lowercase nested relation field in Laravel Eloquent query?

Neo4j relationship: update a property based on its old value

Advertisements When creating two relationships with the exact same properties, I want Neo4j to update a property of the relationship based on the previous value of that property. For instance, increment a counter. Any thoughts on how I can update the following query to achieve this? CREATE (p:Person {name: "Tom Hanks"}) CREATE (m:Movie {title:"You’ve Got… Read More Neo4j relationship: update a property based on its old value

What is the relationship between the product function and the concept of permutations with repetitions?

Advertisements from itertools import permutations,product,combinations_with_replacement colours = [‘r’,’g’,’b’] y = list(product(colours,repeat =2 )) x = list(combinations_with_replacement(colours,2)) print(y) print(x) I understand permutation of a set of objects is an ordering of those objects. When some of those objects are identical, the situation is transformed into permutations with repetition. >Solution : This may provide some insight: colours… Read More What is the relationship between the product function and the concept of permutations with repetitions?

Laravel Getting id's from a table and inserting them into another table

Advertisements Trying to get matching id’s from a table and inserting them again in the same table under differnet relationship. $contentPack = ContentPack::find($id); $cloned_pack_goals = DB::table(‘content_pack_goal’)->where(‘content_pack_id’ , $contentPack->id)->get(); $cloned_pack_goal_ids = $cloned_pack_goals->goal_id; Produces Exception Exception Property [goal_id] does not exist on this collection instance. dd($cloned_pack_goals); outputs: Illuminate\Support\Collection {#2466 ▼ #items: array:2 [▼ 0 => {#3129 ▼… Read More Laravel Getting id's from a table and inserting them into another table

What's the meaning of "under" in phrase "hit-under-miss"?

Advertisements ARM website contains an explanation of a feature called "HUM" (hit-under-missing). It seems that "under" can be interpreted as "after" or "follow", meaning that the previous access is a miss, and the subsequence access is a hit. Is this understanding correct? And if, I am wondering is there special context for using the word… Read More What's the meaning of "under" in phrase "hit-under-miss"?

Inheritance – are you supposed to use base classes, or are they just a framework for child classes?

Advertisements Sorry if this has been asked before. I haven’t found a distinct answer. I have two classes, motorbike and car. The only difference is number of wheels and number of passengers allowed. In this case, would I use motorbike as the base class (and have car be the subclass), or create a new ‘vehicle’… Read More Inheritance – are you supposed to use base classes, or are they just a framework for child classes?