Need to check all my variables for an ampersand, I put variables in a list and check using a for loop, but Python only changes value inside list

Advertisements I’ve got the following code, but unfortunately it only changes the value inside the list. Is there any way I can change the value outside the list, so it can be used later in the script? street_number = "100 & 102" street_name = "Fake Street" suburb = "Faketown" allvariables = [street_number, street_name, suburb] ampersand… Read More Need to check all my variables for an ampersand, I put variables in a list and check using a for loop, but Python only changes value inside list

Trying to make a new object from three exsisting objects using javascript

Advertisements I have three objects each are serialized from Django-rest framework. Each object is a array of a user in a profile. Each profile needs one org_id and email to be valid. "activeUsers" and "inactiveUsers" will never have a duplicates, each element shares the same org_id, and user_id and email will always be different. "nonProfileUsers"… Read More Trying to make a new object from three exsisting objects using javascript

Find and replace only if it matches a string in vi editor

Advertisements I have a large file: . .. … { "term": "Allow A to B", "to_zone" : ["inside"], "from_zone" : ["sys"], "source" : [""], "destination": ["",""], "source_user" : ["any"], "category" : ["any"], "application" : ["any"], "service" : ["application-default"], "source_hip" : ["any"], "destination_hip" : ["any"], "tag" : ["con"], "action" : "allow", "rule_type" : ["universal"], "group_tag" :… Read More Find and replace only if it matches a string in vi editor

NullReferenceException when passing Arg.Any<int>() as argument using NSubstitute

Advertisements I have a customer class which accepts an IDbGateway interface as a constructor parameter. I need to write a unit test CalculateWage_HourlyPayed_ReturnsCorrectWage for the class using NUnit and NSubstitute. My unit test works fine when I pass anyId. But I want to pass Arg.Any<int>() instead of anyId. At the moment my test fails because… Read More NullReferenceException when passing Arg.Any<int>() as argument using NSubstitute