Why python want us this : Non-default argument follows default argument

Advertisements class Node(): def __init__(self,value,parrent=None,neigh) -> None: self.val=value self.parrent=parrent self.neigh=neigh Here I want to define a class. There is an error about neigh that non-default argument follows default argument. I saw the solution of this question but my main question is I want to know why python want us to do this? >Solution : Because… Read More Why python want us this : Non-default argument follows default argument

Why does operator==(std::variant<T, U>, T) not work?

Advertisements Consider the following: #include <iostream> #include <variant> int main () { std::variant<int, float> foo = 3; if(foo == 3) { std::cout << "Equals 3\n"; } } Godbolt demo here This does not compile because of the foo == 3: <source>:7:12: error: no match for ‘operator==’ (operand types are ‘std::variant<int, float>’ and ‘int’) 7 |… Read More Why does operator==(std::variant<T, U>, T) not work?

Why is static_cast<Object&&> necessary in this function?

Advertisements Trying to understand std::move, I found this answer to another question. Say I have this function Object&& move(Object&& arg) { return static_cast<Object&&>(arg); } What I think I understand: arg is an lvalue (value category). arg is of type "rvalue ref to Object". static_cast converts types. arg and the return type both being of type… Read More Why is static_cast<Object&&> necessary in this function?

Can i give two class attributes to an HTML element. İf so, which effects my page if i write code to both of them?

Advertisements I wonder which selecter will be affecting my div and why? HTML <div class="div-1" class="div-2"></div> CSS .div-1 { width: 200px; height: 300px; background-color: gray; } .div-2 { width: 200px; height: 300px; background-color: blue; } Snippet .div-1 { width: 200px; height: 300px; background-color: gray; } .div-2 { width: 200px; height: 300px; background-color: blue; } <div… Read More Can i give two class attributes to an HTML element. İf so, which effects my page if i write code to both of them?

react native hooks can only be called inside body of a function component

Advertisements i am new to react i need help with the usestate need it to change style to display none saving the text in state then show use it in the inline css the code is below import React, { useState, Component, useEffect } from ‘react’; import { StyleSheet, Text, View, Alert, Image} from "react-native";… Read More react native hooks can only be called inside body of a function component

How to transform index values into columns using Pandas?

Advertisements I have a dictionary like this: my_dict = {‘RuleSet’: {‘0’: {‘RuleSetID’: ‘0’, ‘RuleSetName’: ‘Allgemein’, ‘Rules’: [{‘RulesID’: ’10’, ‘RuleName’: ‘Gemeinde Seiten’, ‘GroupHits’: ‘2’, ‘KeyWordGroups’: [‘100’, ‘101’, ‘102’]}]}, ‘1’: {‘RuleSetID’: ‘1’, ‘RuleSetName’: ‘Portale Berlin’, ‘Rules’: [{‘RulesID’: ’11’, ‘RuleName’: ‘Portale Berlin’, ‘GroupHits’: ‘4’, ‘KeyWordGroups’: [‘100’, ‘101’, ‘102’, ‘107’]}]}, ‘6’: {‘RuleSetID’: ‘6’, ‘RuleSetName’: ‘Zwangsvollstr. Berlin’, ‘Rules’: [{‘RulesID’: ’23’,… Read More How to transform index values into columns using Pandas?