21.10 – Unable to write to Samba share without SU in Ubuntu. Windows can write using the exact same Samba credentials

Advertisements Relatively new to Ubuntu. 21.10. Stuff I’ve tried so far: I have seen other threads regarding this and have made sure the Samba share names and folder names do not match. Folder actual name: nasdrive | Share: 4tb | Mount point: nas Mounted via fstab. Using credentials stored in a local file, ~/.smbcreds, which… Read More 21.10 – Unable to write to Samba share without SU in Ubuntu. Windows can write using the exact same Samba credentials

I used a simple guide to share one of my folders on the local network, but I can't access it from a Windows machine

Advertisements I used this guide on itsfoss.com to share a folder on my Ubuntu 20.04 laptop. I then followed the guide on to try and access this folder on the Windows machine, yielding a "You do not have permission to access the folder. Contact the network administrator to request access"-message. If I just go to… Read More I used a simple guide to share one of my folders on the local network, but I can't access it from a Windows machine